
How should I look in the hallway? a.) face forward arms on my head b.) face forward arms at my side c.)face forward arms and hands at my side

c.) Face forward arms and hands at my side


I don't wanna do my work, so I'm just gonna sit here quietly. Does this describe a leader? why or why not?  



When is it ok to play in the bathroom? a.) when no one is looking b.) when my friend and I are in the bathroom together c.) Never 

c.) Never 

john began watching a football game at 7:15 PM. The game lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes. What time was the game over?
The game was over at 11 PM
Tamika had a piece of ribbon that was 2 feet and 9 inches long. How many total inches of ribbon does Tamika have?
Tamika has 33 inches of ribbon.

 when is it ok to wear your jacket in the hallway? a.) only when its freezing b.) I can wear my jacket whenever c.) never



When is it ok to get out of my seat during instruction? a.) when another teacher comes in the room b.) when Mr. Rumph is not looking c.) NEVER

c.) Never


What is the bathroom purpose? 


Jack woke up at 6:55 AM. He spend 25 minutes taking a bath and getting dressed. She took 15 minutes to eat her breakfast. She took another 10 minutes walking to school. What time did Jack arrive at school?
Jack arrives at school at 7:45 AM.
Tory and his dad bought 16 pints of water for their camping trip. If they poured the water into gallon jugs, how many gallon jugs would they fill?
They would fill 2 gallons.

David hit me, is it ok for me to scream and run to Mr. Rumph in the hallway? Yes or No 

What is the correct response? 

No, Raise your hand and wait for Mr. Rumph to notice your hand, then explain calmly it is an emergency 


What should I put my homework and what time is it late? 

Homework folder, homework is late at the end of breakfast. 


The only time I am allowed water is when? 

During my scheduled bathroom breaks, we have three scheduled bathroom breaks. 

Lisa finished jogging at 4:50 PM. She jogged for 1 hour and 15 minutes. What time did Lisa start jogging?
Lisa started jogging at 3:35 PM.
Maria purchased drinks for the class party. She bought 1 gallon of chocolate milk, 2 gallons of regular milk, an 1/2 gallon of strawberry milk. How many quarts of milk did she buy?
She bought 14 quarts of milk.

Chris is playing in the hallway, what should I do? a.) Scream "Ima Tell On YOU!!" b.) Redirect Chris in the hallway so he won't get in trouble c.)  wait until he returns to class, then redirect Chris d.)  tell Mr. Rumph 

c.) WAIT until he returns to class, and calmly redirect Chris 


Mr. Rumph is reading, Where should my eyes be at ALL times? a.) on him b.) looking around the room c.) looking at my friend 

While Mr. Rumph is reading your eyes should remain on him. 


How many students to Mr. Rumph allow at a time? a.) eight students b.) five students c.) three students 

Three students one unit should be open in case of an emergency from another class.

At 8:00 AM the outside temperature was 72 F. By 1:00 PM it had increased 12 F, and by 5:00 PM it had cooled down by 7 F. What was the temperature reading at 5:00 PM?
At 5:00 PM the temperature was 77 F.
What is the volume of a box that is 16 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 8 feet high?
What is 1,792 cubic feet.

I'm bleeding, I slipped in the restroom but we are not supposed to talk in the hallway. What should I do?  

Calmly approach Mr. Rumph and say "it is an emergency". 


Mr. Rumph is teaching but I need to tell my friend something, Should I a.) whisper it to my friend b.) write it on a note to my friend c.) wait until we start working to tell my friend d.) wait until recess to tell my friend 

D.) wait until recess 


How man minutes to I have to handle my business in the bathroom? a.) two minutes b.) two-three minutes c.) five-ten minutes 

B. two-three minutes 

At 7:00 AM Morgan recorded the temperature at 38 F. By 2:00 PM the temperature dropped 15 degrees and then increased 35 degrees by 6:00 PM. What was the temperature reading at 6:00 PM?
The temperature was 58 F at 6:00 PM.
The perimeter of a square rug is 96 feet. What is the length of each side?
Each side is 24 feet.