Force and Motion
Water Cycle
Solar System
Light and Sound

A snake is an example of what?



What are the six types of simple machines?

Lever, pulley, wheel and axle, wedge, inclined plane, and screw 


What part of the water cycle forms clouds?



What causes some stars to appear brighter or bigger than others?

The distance from the viewer. For example, a smaller star might appear bigger and brighter because it is closer to Earth. 

What causes sound?

Sound is cause by vibrations.


Using the food web, tell one producer and one consumer.

Producers:Corn, flowering plant, lavenders, mangoes

Consumers: Any of the animals 


What would be the result of the picture below?

The forces are unbalanced because the green team has more people. Therefore there is more force coming from the green team.

What happens during evaporation?
The water is heated up by the sun and turns into a gas. 

What causes the Earth's seasons?

The Earth's tilt and rotation around the Sun.


What happens when light is refracted?

Light bends when refraction is occurring. 


What would happen if the population of grasshoppers, butterflies, and fruit-flies decreased?

The frogs would not get their food. This would cause the population of the frogs to decrease and the same effect would occur for animals that eat the frogs. 


Agustin wanted to get his new refrigerator from the moving van to the ground. What simple machine would be used for the following scenario?

Agustin should use an inclined plane to get it out of the moving van.
What happens during precipitation?

The water falls from the clouds and returns to the ground or a body of water. 


What type of technology helps us view and learn more about the Solar System?

Space probes, telescopes, Observatories, Satellites 

What is it called when light bounces off a shiny surface? Give an example of when this may happen. 
When light bounces off a shiny surface it is called reflection. An example is a mirror or a calm lake. 

What is the beginning (energy) of every food web or food chain?

The sun


Lailah needs to separate a log into two pieces. What simple machine would be used for the following scenario?

Lailah should use a wedge to separate into two pieces. 

At what temperature does water freeze?

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 


Name two differences between stars and planets.

Stars do not move and planets rotate

Stars are bigger and planets are smaller 

Other possible answers. 

Ramiro has a low pitched voice while Kaitlyn has a high pitched voice. What makes their voices different pitches.  

Ramiro has a low pitch because he vocal cords are moving slowly while Kaitlyn's vocal cords are moving quicker. 


If a housing plan or road is put into a forest, explain the effects it would have on the ecosystem. 

Animals will lose part of their habitat. If animals don't have a place to live or protection, then they may be eaten by a consumer. If an animal population does not have protection, their population may decrease.  


Would a car move faster on a smooth surface like metal or a bumpy surface like wood? Explain.

The car would move faster on a smooth surface because there is less friction. 


Explain how an ice cube can go through all states of matter. 

The ice cube starts at a solid because the particles are close together. Then the ice cube melts from the warmer temperatures causing the particles to loosen up making it a liquid. The liquid gets warmed up causing the water to evaporate as a gas into the air. 


What are the names of each phase of the moon?

Full, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent, New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, and Waxing Gibbous 


If Tristin wants to sleep during the day, what type of curtains would he need and why?

Tristin would need opaque curtains because it will block out the light. 
