Being teased, name-calling, and rumors and gossip are the main cause of this among 3rd-6th graders.
What is conflict.
Talking, text, non verbal, and sign language are are examples of this.
What is communication.
This is a way to start off each day saying nice things about yourself to build up your positive mental health.
What are Positive Affirmations.
Feeling hot, turning red, or getting a stomach ache are examples of this.
What are physical reactions to big emotions.
Yelling, hitting, bullying, or gossiping are examples of these type of friendship traits.
This communication type can be described as a gentle breeze.
What is Passive.
Knowing what you are feeling and why you are feeling is one of the ways to show this part of SEL.
What is Flip Your Lid.
Standing by while someone is being teased, laughing at someone being picked on, or doing nothing to stop mistreatment is an example of this type of person.
What is a Bystander.
These 3 choices after a conflict, mistake or upsetting event reflect your own responsibility in a situation.
What is Blame, Shame, or Claim.
This type of nonverbal communication can be expressed by your arms, face, eye movements, or even how you stand.
What is body language.
When you make a mistake or hurt someone physically or emotionally, this act is a way to start to repair the relationship.
Perceived injustice, hunger, being tired, and boredom are just a few examples of this.
What is a Trigger.
Calling out mistreatment or bullying is an example of this type of person.
What is an upstander.
Kindness, sharing, listening, being respectful are all examples of these type of friendship traits.
What are healthy traits.
This tornado like communication style could include yelling and being bossy.
What is aggressive.
This method of calming allows a person to be present in the moment.
What is mindfulness.
This term describes what happens when your emotional brain or limbic system takes over and your cortex or thinking brain is no longer able to manage effectively.
What is Flip Your Lid.
Thinking before speaking, compromise, and avoiding put-downs are examples of this kind of conflict habit.
What are healthy conflict habits.
This communication style allows you to confidently get your voice heard in a kind way.
What is assertive.
Breathing exercises, taking a time out, talking to someone you trust, or listening to music are examples of this.
What are calming methods.
This is the part of the brain responsible for Freeze, Flight, or Flight in our limbic system.
What is the Amygdala.