How many regions are in Indiana?
What type of home did the Native American's in Indiana build?
wigwam or longhouse
Who won the Civil War?
The North
In both WW1 and WW2 the U.S.A did not want to get involved. What happen during both wars to make us join the war?
In both wars another country attacked U.S.A forcing us to join the war.
How many branches of the government are there?
What is the name of the northern region of Indiana?
Northern Lakes and Moraines
What is an archaeologist?
Someone who studies ancient people
What was the date that we declared Independence from the British? Month, date and year
July 4, 1776
What is Women's Suffrage?
It was Women fighting for the right to Vote.
Name the branches of the government.
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
What is the name of the central region of Indiana
Central Till Plain
What was the fasted way for the Native Americans to travel?
By boat on the rivers
Who was president during the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
What was the time in the 1930's called when many people were out of work and life was hard for many families.
The Great Depression
What is the Bill of Rights?
A list of rights that all Indiana citizens are guaranteed by law.
What is the name of the southern region of Indiana?
Southern Lowlands
Why did the Native Americans live Indiana?
English Settlers forced them to move west.
What is a confederation?
It is a union of states that agree to cooperate.
Name 2 Countries we were fighting against in WW2.
Possible answers: Germany, Italy, or Japan
What is a group of citizens who are called on to make a decision in a court of law called?
A Jury
Name 2 natural resources in Indiana
Possible answers: Limestone, coal, natural gas, oil, soil, water
Name 2 tribes that lived in Indiana.
Possible answers: Miami, Potawatomi, Lenape, Shawnee, or Kickapoo.
Name an important Civil War Battle.
Possible answers: Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, or Vicksburg
In 1949 Indiana passed a law that all schools had to follow. What was it?
To integrate schools and allow all races to attend the same school.
How many people make up the Legislative Branch?
150 ( 50 senate and 100 House of Representatives)