What is a massive ball of hot gas that gives off light and heat, and it's the center of our solar system.
The Sun
How many planets travel around the Sun in paths called orbits? Name them.
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
What is the only planet we know of that has creatures living on it, with a unique combination of water and an atmosphere that supports life.
This planet is the coldest planet in the solar system, with temperatures around minus 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Everything in our Solar System revolves around one thing. What is it?
the Sun
The "system" is incredibly big, with a lot of empty space between the planets and other objects.
Solar System
The closest planet to the sun is ___________ and the farthest away is _______________ ?
The biggest planet in our solar system is __________ and the smallest planet is __________ ?
How many days does it take for the Earth to make one rotation around the sun?
True or False: Pluto is smaller than the Earth's moon?
This planet is made of gas. It has a storm on the planet that is bigger than Earth, called the 'Great Red Spot'
The Solar System is a part of a larger galaxy that contains hundreds of billions of stars, and our solar system is just a small part of it. What is it called?
The Milky Way galaxy
What does the Earth do as it orbits the sun?
The Earth rotates as it orbits the sun
True or False: Light from the Sun only takes 8 minutes to travel to Earth?
This planet is sometimes the called ‘the red planet’ because the rocks that it is made from are red.
Saturn's rings are primarily composed of billions of particles of water ice, and rocky material that are thought to be debris from broken-up moons, comets, or asteroids.
Which two planets do not have moons?
Mercury and Venus
True or False: There are more grains of sand on all of Earth's beaches than there are starts in our solar system?
There are so many stars in our solar system that they outnumber the tiny grains of sand that litter all of Earth’s beaches combined.
A NASA Space suit costs...
a. $1,200
b. 120,000
c. $12,000,000
B. $12,000,000
True or False: The mass of the sun takes up the majority of the solar system.
The mass of the sun takes up the majority of the solar system. Our sun is MASSIVE! In fact, its mass is around 330,000 times that of Earth and accounts for 99.86% of the total mass in our solar system.
This planet is the brightest planet in the solar system due to its reflective clouds.
What thing or things in the solar system do not orbit directly around the sun?
Moons: Unlike planets and comets, moons, or natural satellites, do not orbit the Sun directly. Instead, they orbit around planets
True or False: You can see Venus from Earth.
You can see some of The Solar System from Earth. For example we have all seen the sun and our moon. You can also sometimes see Venus, which is also known as the evening or morning star. Yellow clouds made of sulfur cover the entire planet causing light from the sun to reflect off the surface meaning we can often see it at night. It is usually the first ‘star’ you will spot.
This makes Venus the second brightest object in the night sky after the Moon.
What was the last planet to be discovered in our solar system?
True or False: the sun is actually a star.
The sun is actually a star.
Around 45% of Americans don’t know that the sun is actually a star, and the most brilliant star of all. Without the intense heat, energy and light given off by our sun there would be no life on Earth.