4th/5th Commandments
6th/7th Commandments
8th/9th Commandments
How long is Lent? How many days?
Lent is 40 days.
What is the 4th Commandment?
Honor your mother and father.
What is the 7th Commandment?
You shall not steal.
What is a martyr? a) people who die rather than give up their belief in Jesus b) deliberately making a false statement c) information we hear but do not know to be true d) giving others what is due to them
a) A martyr is a person who die rather than give up their belief in Jesus
During this season in the liturgical year, we read about Jesus' life and his miracles and teachings a) Ordinary Time b) Easter c) Lent d) Advent
a) Ordinary Time
On what day does Lent begin?
Ash Wednesday
What is the 5th Commandment?
You shall not kill.
What is the 6th Commandment?
You shall not commit adultery.
What is the 8th Commandment?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
The Beatitudes are a) the laws of God's covenant given to Moses on Mount Sinai b) teachings of Jesus the describe the way to live as his disciples c) the ability to know right from wrong
b). The 8 Beatitudes were given from Jesus to his disciples on how to live as a disciple.
What do we focus on during Lent? a) Jesus' suffering b) Jesus' death c) Jesus' Resurrection d) None e) All three
e) We remember what Jesus did for us in his suffering, death and Resurrection.
True or False. The 4th Commandment teaches citizens and leaders to follow God's commandments. We should listen to cops, leaders, teachers, and other adults.
True. The 4th Commandment teaches us to respect and listen to all people in positions of authority.
What is a virtue? a) a good habit that helps us to act according to God's love for us b) the work of sharing the Good News c) to dedicate someone or something to God
a) A virtue is a good habit that helps us to act according to God's love for us
Who are the people who speak and act based upon what they know about Jesus? a) original sin b) witness c) creation d) respect
b) witness. As Catholics, we are all called to be witness to Christ and the Gospel
A very serious sin that breaks a person's relationship with God a) mortal sin b) venial sin c) original sin
a) Mortal sin
Name one of the two Bible stories that explain why Lent is 40 days.
1) Jesus went into the desert for 40 days and was tempted by the Devil. 2) After God brought the Israelites from Egypt, they spent 40 years in the desert looking for the Promise Land.
What is the domestic Church?
The Church in the home, which every Christian family is called to be
Who are those who take care of everything that God has given them. a) worship b) martyrs c) stewards of creation d) human dignity
c) stewards of creation
To wrongly desire something that is someone else's a) peace b) free will c) bless d) covet
d) Covet. To covet means to want what is not our own. Many of the Commandments talk about this.
The incarnation is a) The truth that the Son of God became man b) The power of God's love in the world c) An attraction to choose sin
a) The truth that the Son of God became man
What do Christians do extra of during Lent? a) Prayer b) Do Penance c) Do Good Works d) None e) All three
e) All three. Christians are called to prayer, penance, and good works during the Lenten season.
The value and worth each person has from being created in the image of God and in his likeness. a) modesty b) human dignity c) reverence d) covenant
b) Human dignity.
In the sacrament of __________, the bride and groom make a vow to be faithful to each other. a) Baptism b) Holy Orders c) Reconciliation d) Matrimony
d) Matrimony
What is modesty? a) a special sign given to us by Jesus b) a gift which allows us to show affection and love c) the virtue by which we show respect for ourselves and others d) an attraction to choose sin
c) Modesty is the virtue by which we show respect for ourselves and others
The Blessed Trinity is a) One who is sent b) Three people together for a blessing c) God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
c) God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit