Which state produces the most cotton?
Texas (The Cotton Bowl!)
Article 1 of the US Constitution defines what branch of government?
The Legislative Branch
Name the state that borders Tennessee to the East.
North Carolina
On which planet will you find the Great Red Spot?
What are oral reasons?
A verbal or spoken justification of why you placed a JUDGING class a certain way
What crop has the most harvested acres in Tennessee?
According to Article 7, how many states had to ratify the Constitution in order for it to go in effect?
9 states
What Tennessee topographical feature is known as the "Grand Canyon of the South"?
The Sequatchie Valley
Water behind a dam is an example of what kind of energy?
Potential Energy
What person wrote the 4-H motto?
Carrie Harrison
Angora, Boer (pronounced Boar) and French Alpine are breeds associated with what species of animal?
What is the term of office for a United States Senator?
6 years
What is the largest county in land area, in Tennessee?
Shelby County (786 square miles)
The amount of space an object takes up is referred to its what?
What is the traditional date of National 4-H Week?
The first full week in October
How much does a bale of cotton weigh?
480 pounds
The New Jersey Plan allowed for states to be represented in Congress based on what?
Each State had one vote regardless of size.
How many watts are in a kilowatt?
1,000 watts
Name the piece of equipment used to measure the volume of liquid in a lab?
Graduated Cylinder
Service learning is part of what 4-H project?
Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks are breeds associated with what species of animal?
Chickens or Poultry
How many United States Senators does each state have?
Two (2)
Which county in Tennessee has the oldest courthouse still in use?
Dickson County (located in Charlotte built in 1832)
A coiled spring would be an example of what kind of energy?
Potential Energy