What word means to hurry or to be quick in movement?
What genre "Abe's Honest Words"?
this verb does NOT show action
linking verb
What is the Comprehension Skill that we are currently working on?
Author's Point of View
What is the form that all of our spelling words are written in?
plural form
What word means to split into parts or pieces?
In which Point of View is "Abe's Honest Words" written in?
third person
Name two other forms of linking verbs
look, seem, appear, become, feel, grow,smell and taste
Has the key words you, your and yours
second-person Point of view
The pattern that all of our words follow is....
*hint- What are we adding or changing?*
adding -s, -es, or -ies
What words have almost the same meaning?
address and proclamation
What important win did Lincoln obtain? How did he feel about this?
Lincoln got the South to surrender, he felt sad because thousands of people kept dying.
the present tense forms of be are
is and are
What point of view is "Abe's Honest Words" written in?
Third person
Spell the word that is a synonym for errors
Fill in the blank
I was _____ to changing the test for an earlier day.
Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
To free millions of slaves and for black men to join the Union army. Pg. 255 P2 S2
past tense forms of be are
was and were
Name three key words for first person point of view
I , me and my
Spell the word whose definition is to have an activity to pass time.
what is the difference between perish and shattered?
perish is to be destroyed or die
shattered is to break into pieces.
How did Lincoln feel about reading? Find text evidence.
Abe Lincoln loved reading
"yet he loved words the way his papa, a master storyteller, did."
pg 243 P1 S1
Do the clouds _____ gray to you?
seem, look or appear.
What is third person point of view key words? Name three (3)
They, them, he , him, she, her
Spell the words that means that the items belong to someone.