Virginia Regions
Virginia Regions/ Resources
Virginia Indians
Colonial Virginia

How many native american tribes were there in virginia?

What is 11


Virginia resource used as fossil fuel?

What is coal?


The first people to live in Virginia.

Who are the American Indians or Eastern Woodland Indians?


This arrival made it possible for more settlers to start families, which helped to establish Jamestown as a permanent colony in Virginia.

What is women?


Trading or exchanging of goods and services without the use of money.

What is bartering?


Much of the Coastal Plain is bordered to the east by this major water feature

What is the Chesapeake Bay?


This region is located in the Southwestern part of the state and mining is a major industry.

What is the Appalachian Plateau region?


People who study all kinds of material evidence left by people from the past.

Who are archaeologists?


When Africans arrived in Virginia against their will, it caused something to expand.

What is the tobacco economy?


Buying a good or service now and paying for it later.

What is credit?


Old, rounded mountains, part of the Appalachian mountain system, located between the Piedmont and Valley and Ridge regions and a source of many rivers.

What is the Blue Ridge Mountains?


Used for timber and can be identified because the trees are typically planted in rows.

What are cultivated forests?


Winter is coming. Name two items that Virginia Indians most likely have used for clothing to prepare for the winter.

What are animal skins and furs?


Two changes in the colony that resulted in survival. ****Bonus points if you can name more than two!

What is the arrival of ships bringing supplies and new settlers, the forced work program, strong leadership of John Smith, the emphasis of agriculture, the development of new settlements that spread away from the unhealthy environment of Jamestown?


The most profitable agricultural product because it was sold in England as a cash crop.

What is tobacco?

The locations on the map (Richmond and Jamestown) are near this river

What is the James River?


Name five examples of Virginia’s mineral resources.

What are coal, limestone, sand, granite and gravel?


The artifacts below would most likely be found at this archaeological site.

What is Werowocomoco?


Three hardships faced by settlers.

What was the site that they chose to live on lacked safe drinking water, a drought reduced the amount of food, the settlers lacked survival skills, and settlers died of starvation and disease?


Africans were brought primarily to these two regions.

What are Coastal Plain (Tidewater) and Piedmont regions?


The four major rivers of Virginia shown on the map. List them in order: A, B, C, and D.

What is A- Potomac, B- Rappahannock, C- York D- James


Name five states that border Virginia.

What are Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina?


Name the three American Indian language groups living in Virginia in the 1600s. Be sure to correctly identify which group was in which location. 

What are Iroquoian, Siouan, Algonquian?


Geographic influences for selecting Jamestown as the settlement site. Need 4!

What are: the water was deep enough for ships to dock, the settlers thought they had a fresh supply of water, instructions from England said to go inland, and the peninsula would have been easy to defend against a Spanish attack from sea.


Describe two reasons why the capital was relocated

What are fire destroyed wooden and brick buildings in Jamestown, Williamsburg was an established town, unhealthy living conditions in Jamestown caused disease, drinking water in Jamestown was contaminated?
