War & Peace
Brave New World
Little Women
Les Miserables
Summer Rhyming
British and American representatives signed a peace treaty ending the American Revolution in this city on September 3rd, 1783.

What is Paris? 


While many people might credit Columbus with "discovering" the new world, this Norse explorer set foot in North America almost 500 years beforehand.

Who is Leif Erikson? 


At 4'8", this American gymnast is the most decorated gymnast in history with a total of 37 Olympic and World Championship medals.

Who is Simone Biles? 


This famous purchase of land from the French First Republic nearly doubled the size of the United States in 1803.

What is the Louisiana Purchase? 


Covered in coarse material; sugary treat.

What is sandy candy?


The Congress of Vienna was a series of meetings of European powers in 1814-1815 to establish peace after this emperor's downfall.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?

This group of Native Americans lived on the island of Hispaniola when Columbus first arrived and are often cited as the first victims of the Columbian Exchange in the Americas.

Who are the Taino?


At 5'4", this former Presidential candidate would've been tied with James Madison as the shortest President if she was elected.

Who is Hillary Clinton?


The Statue of Liberty, a gift to the United States from France, was given to the United States in honor of which event?

What is the hundred-year anniversary of the United States (July 4th, 1876)?


Formerly used for bloodletting; a place to lay and take in the sun.

What is a leach beach?


The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed between these two Catholic countries in order to prevent fighting between the two in the New World.

Who are Spain and Portugal?


Sometimes called the Five Nations, this Native American alliance of tribes is believed to have influenced US democracy.

What is the Iroquois League or Confederacy? 


At 5'11", this not small woman was a champion of human rights around the world and was the first-ever chair of the United Nations Commission of Human Rights

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt? 


This Frenchman is sometimes known as "The Hero of The Two Worlds" for his efforts in helping the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

Who is Marquis de La Fayette?


A cold summer snack; Yankees, Giants, Knicks, Devils. 

What is an ice cream team?


Under Jimmy Carter, these two countries negotiated in secret for twelve days in 1978 before coming to a peace agreement known as the Camp David Accords.

Who are Israel and Egypt?


This explorer from Florence was so successful in convincing other Europeans that the Americas was not part of Asia that they named the continents after him.

Who is Amerigo Vespucci? 


At 4'11", this American actress was famous for appearing in more than a dozen MGM films including one particular magical trip to a colorful land.

Who is Judy Garland?


This American president would be described as a Francophile, having lived in France for many years and serving as one of the first representatives to the country.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


Eating food in the park; another word for a movie.

What is a picnic flick? 


The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 ended the Thirty Years War and brought peace to this "religious" "empire". 

What is the Holy Roman Empire?


This Portuguese explorer, who is credited as the first European to visit Brazil, is also believed to lead the first expedition to have been to four continents in a single trip.

Who is Pedro Álvares Cabral?


At 5'3", this American stood tall for civil rights by refusing to stand in 1955.

Who is Rosa Parks?


In 2003, after France opposed the US war in Iraq, some angry Americans renamed french fries to this alliterative name.

What are "Freedom Fries"?


A foam dart; a sport involving waves.

What is a Nerf surf? 
