2nd Grade U.S. History
More American than Apple Pie
How Well do you know our American?
Presidents & Founding Fathers
9/11 & Other Important Dates

How many native americans were forcibly displaced in “the Trail of Tears”?

  1. 6,000

  2. 60,000

  3. 600,000

  4. 6 million

60,000. As part of Indian removal, members of the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations were forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to newly designated Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River after the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. 13,200–16,700 people also died.


What do you need to purchase a gun at a Pennsylvania gun show?

Just the money. no ID, no licence. It's called "the gun show loophole." What's the worst that can possibly happen?


Name the three cat's Jade has in Australia

Artemis, Ducky, Lyra


Who was president during 9/11?

George W. Bush


What date was Jade born on?



With regards to 9/11 we often say “Never Forget” but in Texas they say “Remember the Alamo”. What happened at the Alamo?

  1. Texans defends from a Mexican attack

  2. Mexicans defend from a Texan attack

  3. Confederates defend from a union attack

  4. Burned down in a tragic accident

Texans defends from a Mexican attack. Following a 13-day siege, Mexican troops reclaimed the Alamo Mission near modern-day San Antonio, Texas, killing most of the occupants.


Biggest U.S. State



What grade did Jade get in U.S. History in sophmore year of highschool?



What movie was Donald Trump in?

Daily Double

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York


In the 1996 Roland Emmerich film “Independence Day” starring Will Smith, what day did the aliens attack?

July 2nd. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars.


Which of these lasted longer than the Confederacy?

  1. The American television sitcom Friends

  2.  The Great Depression

  3. Obama’s presidency

  4. All of the above

All of the above. The Confederacy lasted barely 5 years and losers will make it their entire personality.


How long did the Twin Towers stand in NYC?

30 years


What is Jade's favorite brother's name, age, and occupation?

Nick, 26, Unemployed (Blacksmith)


George Washington notoriously did not have this

a. hair

b. teeth

c. children

d. hoes

Teeth. It is often said that George Washington had a set of wooden teeth but that's not true although he did have many sets of false teeth made out of metal, ivory, bone, animal teeth, and human teeth possibly obtained from slaves. While it is true that Washington had no biological children possibly due to tuberculosis-induced sterility he was the stepfather to four children.


What date did Brian Wells of the famous pizza bomber case die by explosion outside a PNC bank in Pennsylvania?

 August 28, 2003


At what would become known as the first thanksgiving the pilgrims of the Plymouth colony held a harvest festival, why did their Wampanoag allies join the feast?

  1. They were invited

  2. They heard gunshots

  3. They smelt the food cooking

  4. They were going to attack the colonists 

They heard gunshots. In 1621 the Plymouth colony had their first harvest since arriving in America and were celebrating with gunfire like all Americans do when the Wampanoag heard the gunfire they assumed the colonists were being attacked so came to help. Nowadays I won’t even get out of bed if I hear gunshots on thanksgiving.


How many feet are in a mile?

Daily Double

5280. All Americans know this by heart.


What day did Jade move to Australia on?

Thursday, February 8th, 2024


Abraham Lincoln's son Todd was present for how many U.S. president assassinations?

3. The only one he wasn't there for was JFK's cause he was not alive. He believed he was cursed.


In 1863 Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address beginning "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." What year is he referencing?


What amendment made the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcohol illegal, and what amendment repealed that amendment?

18th created it and 21st ended it.


Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner while captured during which war?

The War of 1812. On September 7, 1814 Francis Scott Key authored the Star Spangled Banner while watching the 25-hour bombardment of the American forces at Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore. Imagine being captured by Canadians, what a loser.


Why am I mad at the CIA?

They wont release famous terrrorist Osama Bin Laden's Animal Crossing Wild World save file.


William Howard Taft was rumored to have gotten stuck where?

a bathtub. He was a portly man and it allegedly took 6 men to pull his nakey body out.


What date did they kill Osama Bin Laden?

Mon, 2 May 2011. Ladies and gentlemen, we got em.
