this person was born in washington
who is Riddhima
this person spent 5 hours researching how baby boomer screwed over younger generations
who is campbell
this person secretly has ten pets
who is natalia
this person owns a tom holland blanket
who is ximena
this person has a lizard
who is frank
this person has a brother who is 28
who natalia
this person imagines their first boyfriend to be at least 5'6", brunette, and a rower
who is ximena
this person bruised their ribs then broke 3 a couple weeks later
who is reina
this person has a google slide with 260 memes on it
who is campbell
who is braxton
this person was born in chicago
who hansika
this person likes dark reddit stories
who is frank
this person stole shopkins in 2nd grade from their friend and made them cry
who is Riddhima
this person used to have 5 rats
who is me
who is owen
this person lived mainly in Austin until 7th grade, then moved here into Leander
who is natalia
this person is actually not related to shreyas
who is dante
this person is not actually related to Dante or Lucas
who is shreyas
this person was born in india
who is shreyas
this person once cried over someone named turtle
who is rita
"I was 9, I covered an entire bathroom floor with deturgent and blamed it on my brother."
who is rita?
this person ate cheese out of a bowl on all fours like a dog when they were a kid
who is me
this persons first and only pet fish died in less than a year
who is hansika
this person's middle name is alexander
who is dante
this person's cat was in the washer and they started it
who is reina