2.2 Who should the messengers and the saints of the tabernacle overcome
Satan, the Nicolaitans
What is the title of RV 3?
The letters sent to the messengers of the seven churches
3.1 What is the meaning of the statement in Rv 3:12 " I will write on him the name of my God, the name of the holy city, the new Jerusalem, and the new name of Jesus"?
God, Heaven, and Jesus will come to the overcomer.
5.1 Which Bible chapter explains in the most detail the 'Shepherd of Promise'?
Rv 2-3
2.3 In which chapter and with what does victory take place
In Rv 12, with the blood of the lamb and the words of testimony
7. How can we determine whether someone is a betrayer, a destroyer, or a savior at the time of the fulfillment of the time of RV?
Each person's actions according to the prophecy of the book pf RV
1.1 Jesus promised to write the name of the one who overcomes in the book of life (RV 3:5) what is the 'book of life' in which the name of the one who overcomes is written?
The registry of heaven, that is, the church registry of SCJ 12 tribes where the overcomer is.
5.2 What is the reason why the promised shepherd is called the 'Shepherd of Promise' along with a Bible chapter
Because he is promised in Rv 2 and 3
2.1 When sending the letters in RV 2 and 3 to the 7 messengers of the tabernacle, what is the situation of the messengers of the tabernacle and the saints
Eating food sacrificed to idols, that is, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Who will be written in the Book of Life?
The people who have kept the new covenant at the time of fulfillment of RV
6.2 Those who came from the east and the west along with their identities
The 12 tribes of SCJ, the new heaven and new earth created through harvest and sealing
8. Adam, who was created by God, committed a sin. What kind of sin was it?
Laziness and corruption, deviating from God and deviating from order and principle
What did Jesus rebuke the messenger of Laodicea for?
For having lukewarm faith
In which verse does it talk about the names that were blotted out from the book of life
Psalm 69:28
May they be blotted out of the book of life and not be listed with the righteous.
6.1 In Mt 8:11-12, who are the subjects of the kingdom
The first heaven and the first earth, that is, Catholicism and Protestantism
9. The book of RV is the food of salvation at the time of the Lord's second coming. The reason is that there are 3 things contained in the book of Revelation. What are they?
God's life, Light, and the blood of Jesus
4. What are the 12 blessings that God promised to give to the one who overcomes in Rv 2-3
1. Fruit of the tree of life 2. Crown of life 3. Not being hurt at all by the second death 4. Hidden manna 5. white stone 6. Iron scepter 7. Morning star 8. Wearing white clothes 9. Being written in the book of life 10. Pillar of the temple of God 11. Recording the name of God and the holy city, New Jerusalem, and the new name of Jesus 12. Receiving a right to sit on Jesus' throne
Recite Rv 3:12
Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.
1.2 How many times does the book of life appear in the entire bible along with verses
8 times: Ps 69:28, Phil 4:3, Rv 3:5, Rv 13:8, Rv 17:8, Rv20:12, Rv20:15, Rv 21: 27
What year did the work begin at the temple of the tabernacle?
When were the letters sent in Rv 3?
It began in 1966
They were sent in 1979?