What is a homologous structure?
same structure, different function
What systems main organ is the skin?
What is the scientific name for seed?
Define Phototropism
response to light
See picture
What is the purpose of the Endocrine System?
Release of Hormones
Describe Cross-Pollination
occurs when the pollen from one plant pollinates a different plant. Cross-pollination produces more diversity
What is the 4 ways a seed can be dispersed?
Wind, Water, Expulsion, Animals
Define Natural Selection
Organisms with the best-fit alleles in a population survive and reproduce, thereby passing along beneficial alleles to the next generation. This is the only mechanism that has an adaptive advantage, or leaves a population better fit
What two are most related
Species 1: ATTGCGTGA
Species 2: TTTGCGGGA
Species 3: GCCGGTAAA
Species 4: ATTGCGTGT
Which two systems help deliver oxygen to cells in the human body?
Circulatory and Respiratory
Where is Pollen Deposited on a Flower? (sticks to it)
A student leaves an air-conditioned room and goes outdoors where the temperature is over 100 °F. Which of these BEST describes how the student's body maintains homeostasis?
Skin begins to Sweat
What part of the flower attracts pollinators?
Give me 3 out of the 5 Mechanisms of Evolution
Gene Flow, Genetic Drift, Mutation, Non-random Mating, Natural Selection
Which function is shared by the immune and integumentary system?
What is the name for the male parts in the reproductive system of a flower?
Define Genetic Drift
• Change in allele frequency caused by chance events; due to small population size.
Define Convergent Evolution
describes how unrelated species develop similar features due to selective pressures, even though they do not share a common ancestor
What four body systems allow you to sneeze?
Muscular, immune, nervous, respiratory
Which statement best describes an interaction that will allow a flowering plant to reproduce by selfpollination?
A. An anther is transferred from a filament to another filament within the same flower.
B. An ovule is transferred from the ovary to a petal on a different flower.
C. A pollen grain is transferred from an anther to the stigma of the same flower.
D. An ovary is transferred from a flower on one plant to a flower on a different plant.
Describe Root and Shoot System using Xylem and Pholem.
Shoot System: Leaves produce glucose, which then travels through the Pholem, distributing that food.
What does the fossil record show?
documents the time, location, and features of extinct species or imprints that have been preserved in rock.