These are your Math teachers for 5th and 4th grade
Metcalf, Brecheisen
This is the big field trip that 4th grade gets to go on.
Missouri State Capital
Jefferson City
During the Civil War, who was the President of the United States of America
Abraham. Lincoln
What should you do when the lights go off?
This team is going to win the Superbowl
Kansas City Chiefs
These are your 4th and 5th grade ELA teachers
Padberg, Harris
This is the big field trip that 5th Grade gets to do
Washington D.C.
Richmond is the Capital of what State?
How should you walk the halls?
Quietly and in a single file line.
What two classes will you normally have homework?
Math and ELA
She teaches guitar
This was the year Barstow was founded
This is the Capital of Louisiana
Baton Rouge
When should you go to or ask to use the bathroom?
First or last 5 minutes of class, or when you are doing independent work.
This is the ancient Native American capital city of the Mississippian Native Americans (the mound builders)
They are your PE teachers
Gabler and Reich
Mr. McFarlands favorite number is
These were the three main Allies during WWII
United Kingdom, France, USA,
OK, if also say Russia.
What is Mr. McFarlands one Pet-Peeve
Disrespect or not being nice to each other.
What is the full name of Mr. McFarland's dog?
Margarine Buttersworth
This is your favorite Teacher... Ever
Mr. McFarland
This is the street address of Barstow
11511 State Line Road
Kansas City, MO 64114
He was the first Vice President, and second president of the USA
John Adams
What should you get in the habit of doing every day/night with your iPad?
Charge it, so you are ready for the next day's class.
How many total students are there in 4th and 5th grade combined? (+/- 5)