These classmates have the initials AM.
Who are Anya Mathai and Aminah Mbengue?
The biggest fan of math in our class is this classmate.
Who is Lex?
A number that has more than 2 factors is called this.
Sentence stems for this can be "I can tell. This makes me think..."
The Columbian Exposition began in this year, 400+1 years after Columbus' voyage.
What is 1893?
These classmates are the Roomers in our class.
Who are Amoni, Anya, Aminah, Clara, Theo, Noah, Lillian, Zoe, and Lyla?
These classmates are the Zoomers in our class.
Who are Reuben, Loie, Lex, Anthony, Yahkid, Matthew, and Kaedyn?
These are the steps to solving a division problem.
Memoirs, autobiographies, and letters are all examples of this.
What are firsthand accounts?
This wheel that weighed 22,000 pounds was made of this.
What is cheese?
These two classmates love to use Unicorn Emojis.
Who are Lillian and Anya?
These two classmates are the biggest gamers in our class.
Who are Yahkid and Anthony?
The formula for the distance around a shape is this.
What is P = (l x 2) + (w x 2)
The life lesson or message of a fiction story is called this.
What is the theme?
This person designed and built the fair's biggest attraction in response to the Eiffel Tower.
Who is George Ferris?
These two people in our class have a Star Wars stuffie that we have seen on camera.
Who are Rueben and Mr. Wawzenek?
This classmate was the most recent winner of Imposter.
Who is Kaedyn?
This is what we call a number that includes a whole number and a fraction.
What is a mixed number?
This is one of themes of The Tiger Rising.
Themes include "Friendship..." "Feelings..."
The building that now contains The Museum of Science and Industry was known by this name at the fair.
What is the Palace of Fine Arts?
These classmates did their biography project on a woman.
Who are Amoni, Loie, Zoe, Lillian, Anya, Aminah, Kaedyn, and Anthony?
This classmate plays the ukulele.
Who is Loie?
What is 287 r 3
These 3 out of the 4 text structures an author can use in a nonfiction text.
What are Sequence, Cause and Effect, Problem and Solution, Compare/Contrast?
This large building measured 1,688 feet by 788 feet and covered more than 31 acres.
What is the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building?