What don't succulents need a lot of
What is water
Name all 8 planets in our solar system
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune?
Name the NBA season tournament
What is NBA Cup?
Andre's favorite sport
What is basketball?
The number of goals Messi had in the 2012 season
What is 91
When was the Suffrages Law Passed 1919, 1920, 1910, or 1918?
What is 1919
What is our "neighboring galaxy"
What is Andromeda?
What was USA best placement in the world cup
What is 3rd place?
Andre's favorite food
What is Beef Patty with cheese?
Name all world cup winners (names of countries)
What is 1Spain, 1England, 4Italy, 4Germany, 5Brazil,2uragwy 2France 3argentina
Which is a succulent Cprtoea, Sansibagem, Alalia, Papyrus
What os Sasibargen
The outskirts of the solar system is referred to as what
What is the Oort Cloud?
of the following Sports NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL, how many leagues have teams in Buffalo, New York
What is 2 leagues?
What is Andre's middle name?
What is Dominick?
The name of the 9 top goal barca scorer of all time
Who is philino aclcatrine
When was the suffrage march (1920, 1919, 1950, 1910)
What is 1910
How many stars are in our Solar System exactly?
a) 1,000,000,000,000,000
b) 5,000,000,000,000,000
c) nobody knows
What is "nobody knows?"
Which team is the worst college basketball team of the following:
Auburn, Duke, Uconn, Marquette
What is Uconn?
Andre's least favorite sports
What is vollyball?
The name of the deffenders who won the ballon D'or
matues sammer
Which woman Botanist and Suffragists (Alice Paul, Lise Merit, Doris Stevens, and Mary Agnes Chase
Who is Mary Anne Chase
A black hole was once what?
What is a star?
Who is the tight end Rookie Sensation
Who is Brock Bowers
when did i get stitches season and year
What is summer 2021 ?
Name the 1962 Eurofinal teams
What is Russia andn Sovasia