Determine what to do first
Know when to say no
Make the most of your "unusable" time.
Overestimate how long projects will take
Develop a system
You and a friend haven't seen each other in an entire year. She wants you to come over, but you have an essay to write. What should you do first?
Write the essay ; the essay
If somebody says "Hey, lets go to a party this weekend!" your response should be
Your are bored in your room. Your CIS-110 text book is sitting on the dresser beside you. The teacher has assigned you 5 pages to read. What as a college student should you do?
Read the five pages.
Your teacher has given you a project and says it's due in 3 months. When should you start?
Now; Right away ; As soon as possible; When he gives it to you
You are developing a system to input a study hall in your schedule at school. Your only free time is lunch, and you never eat lunch. What is the best thing to do?
Use lunch time for study hall; Study during lunch
If you are in your dorm room and you have a 5 page English report that counts 50% of your grade and 1 page of science homework that counts 10% of your grade. Which assignment should you do first?
5 page English report
A friend asks you to come study with them for a MAT-171 test. What should you say?
Tonight you have no homework, no tests, no quizzes. Instead of you going home and not doing anything what should you do?
Study the material anyway, or study
You have to create a poster of the different parts of the digestive system. You have came to a conclusion that it shouldn't take longer than two days to finish. How long should you schedule to finish it?
At least a week
When developing a system should you write it down or try to remember it?
Write it down, then if you have to make changes you can do that with no problem
If you have a test tomorrow and your brother has a baseball game, what should you do first?
Study for your test.
When you promised your mother you would go to the nursing home Saturday and your friend asks you to go to the movies, what do you do?
Say no to your friend.
Today your teacher gives you an assignment that is due at the end of the week and your schedule is clear tonight, but your brother asks you to help with his baseball skills, what do you do?
Say no
You have a one page report due next month. Do you finish it this week?
You have to study, walk your dogs, clean dishes, and tutor. What do you do first?
Today is Thursday. Your mom tells you that your room has to be clean on Saturday but you have to study for a huge exam on Monday, would it be smarter to study on Friday or on Saturday morning?
On Sunday, you have church and need to wash the dog, the horses, the car, and the dishes. However, you told your friend Bob that you'd help him alphabetize his cereal. Which event(s) should you cancel?
Your plans with Bob
Your coach wants you to work on your jump shot before the next game (which is Saturday). Your teacher strongly recommends that you study before your final exam (Friday). At home, the dishes aren't washed, your room isn't clean, and all the clothes are dirty. If today is Wednesday, should you start your chores now or later?
What is now?
You have been given a choice for your 16th birthday. You can either have a huge blowout at home with as many friends as you like and will last from noon to midnight, or you can spend the weekend at the beach with your best friends and $500. Which would be more beneficial if you need time to study for exams next week?
The party
You have basketball, piano lessons, book club, and FBLA. However, you also want to try out for the new Ultimate Frisbee team. Should you place all those extracurricular activities on the weekend or throughout the week?
Throughout the week