The type of essay that explains the topic and gives many different points of view.
What is an informative essay?
To engage the reader, grab the readers attention, or get the reader to care about your topic.
What is a purpose for a hook?
How many body paragraphs are there in an essay?
Three; one for each part of your thesis statement.
When you give an opinion about the topic and try to get the reader to agree with you through building evidence to support the claim.
What is a persuasive essay?
Shocking fact or statistic, scenario, rhetorical question, or quote/saying placed at the start of the essay.
What are examples of a hook?
Made up of an introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph.
What is a 5 paragraph essay?
An introductory paragraph has a hook, _____________, and a thesis statement.
What is background information?
Before you give your evidence, you need to make sure you have a _______________ word before you evidence. Give me one example of this word: 2 Parts
What is a Transition word ie. For example, For instance, As an example, Such as...?
Acronym for remembering what should be in an essay is R.I.E.E
R - reason to thesis/Claim I - introduce evidence E - give evidence to prove your point E - Explain evidence and how it supports your claim/thesis
What is a thesis statement anyway?
It's what you believe! Your opinion or argument!
What's wrong with this evidence? First of all, bullying negatively impacts adolescents because it increases aggressive behavior. "60% of students who were part of fights in school have, in fact, been bullied in the past," said Dr. Holden (Gray 2).
It's not introduced!
A synonym for Thesis Statement
What is the Main idea?
Depression negatively impacts adolescents in schools making it more difficult to form relationships with peers, but it makes it hard to focus on academics. As a solution, schools should hire more school counselors.
Body Paragraph 1 - How depression makes it more difficult to form relationships with peers Body Paragraph 2 - How depression makes it hard to focus on academics Body Paragraph 3 - The solution that schools should have more counselors.
When you explain your evidence, what do you need to make sure the explanation does??