What body part do you use for sight?
How would you describe how a pillow feels?
Wear sunglasses, don't look at the sun, make sure the lights are bright when reading, don't poke your eye, etc.
What part of the body does every sense send messages to?
The brain
What body part do you use for hearing?
What taste bud is mainly used when eating a lemon?
How would you describe how a rock feels?
How do you keep your ears safe?
Not listening to loud music, not putting anything in them even q-tips without an adult, wearing ear plugs, etc.
They help keep us safe and tell us about the world around us.
What body part do you use for tasting?
What taste bud is mainly used when eating potato chips?
How would you describe how ice feels?
How do you keep your tongue and mouth safe?
Make sure food is cool before eating it, don't eat anything dangerous or unknown, keep sharp things away, etc.
Name one technology or tool that someone who is deaf uses.
What body part do you use for touch?
What taste bud is mainly used when eating a jalapeno pepper?
How would you describe how fire feels?
How do you keep your skin safe?
Name one technology or tool a blind person uses.
Guide dog, walking cane, braille, hearing the beep to cross the street
Name every sense you use when admiring a garden full of flowers from the sidewalk.
sight, smell
Name every sense you use when your mom is baking you fresh chocolate chip cookies.
Taste, touch, smell, sight
Name every sense you use when you are outside playing soccer at recess.
touch, hearing, sight
Name every sense you use when you are petting a barking dog that just had a bath.
Sight, smell, touch, hearing
Name every sense you use when you make and eat popcorn.
sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch