Name 2 beverages we use to play beerball
Twisted tea, Coors Light
What is our favorite establishment to dumpster dive from?
Krispy kreme
Who has a volume problem
Oliver Niemiec
Who got mono?
Whos face did we put on a birthday cake?
What is Nikita's little brother's nickname?
Mini Mudryk
Whos house did Nikita and Bagel bike to to deliver something special?
Gianna Laperuta
"Yeah but I was in the shower"
Who doesnt wear deodorant?
What is Philips gamer username?
Name 3 ways/games we gamble?
Dice, blackjack, sportbetting, poker, pool
What came first:
a. Oliver Niemiec buzzcut
b. Oliver Niemiec perm
Who got blood on their face when they were drunk?
Who prank called Bianca that gabe got kidnapped?
Nikita and Niemiec and Bagel
What did Bagel take when he "greened out"
What cars did we see on display when we first went to the city together?
What movie was playing when Daniel was hitting Bagel in his sleep?
Cars 2
Who kicked us out of their backyard at the parade?
Mr Cassidy
Who owns Fruity Pebble sneakers?
Oliver Niemiec
How many holes in the wall are in Gibbys room
What was the machine called that Brian Gabe and Bagel gambled on at Dave and Busters?
Pharaohs Revenge
List the groupchat members from oldest to youngest.
Bianca, niemiec, daniel, oliver, christian & adrian, steven, nikita, henry
4 people, niemiec, bagel, steven, daniel
Whose krispy kreme donuts were stolen?
What was Bagel's first nic purchase?