Complete the quote, “Love all, _____ ___.”
“Serve all”
Name the Indian king who upheld truth and truth is added to his name.
Satya Harishchandra
Complete the quote, ”Dharma will always _______ those who adhere to dharma.”
What is the universal prayer for peace?
Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu
“ _____ as feeling is non-violence” complete the quote.
According to Greek mythology, which bird represents love?
Complete the quote, “Truth is the foundation of the ________.” (Taken from Swami's teachings).
Which character from epic Mahabharata was considered the embodiment of dharma?
Yudhishthira / Dharmaraja
Which of the following is the symbol for peace?
A. ☯️
B. ☸️
C. ☮️
Complete the quote, “Satya is what I teach, Dharma is the ___ _ ____, Shanti is the mark of my personality, Prema is my very nature.”
Way I live
“Love one another as I have loved you.” This verse is taken from which holy book?
Holy Bible
According to Hinduism, ______ Yuga is known as the age of truth.
“Satya/ Krita” (Sathya Yuga)
Dharma (right conduct) is related to ________ Kosa.
Annamaya Kosa (Physical sheath)
Shanthi (peace) is related to ________ Kosa.
“Manomaya” (Mental sheath)
What is the heart of Buddhist thinking and conduct?
Maitri and Karuna (Friendship and compassion)
Fill in the blank - Prema (love) is related to _________ Kosa.
“Pranamaya” (Lifeforce)
Satya (truth) is related to ___________ Kosa.
“Vijnanamaya” (Wisdom sheath)
Name the holy book that contains Dharma or teaching of the Buddha.
What essential practice does Sathya Sai Baba recommend for cultivating peace?
Ahimsa (non-violence) is related to ___________ Kosa.
Aanandamaya Kosa (Blissful sheath)