It is a person, place, thing or idea. The idea is either a gerund or an infinitive.
What is noun?
What is the capital of Ireland?
What is the Past Participle of the verb Speak?
Mt. Kilimanjaro
What is the highest mountain in the Africa?
It is the complement of the subject and the most important part is the main verb.
What is a predicate?
It represents an action that is transitive or intransitive, it unites a predicate to a subject, it helps by telling the tense or it names a modality.
What is a verb?
What is the capital of Taiwan?
What is the past of the verb weave?
Voga River
What is the longest river in Europe?
It links the subject with the predicate and it doesn't represent an action.
What is a linking verb?
It modifies or describes a noun by answering these three questions which one...? What kind...? or How many...?
What is an adjective?
What is the capital of Venezuela?
What is the present participle of the verb win?
Brazil, Guyana, French Guyana, Suriname
What is a country in South America that Spanish is not the official language?
If the verb is a linking verb then it represents who or what we talk about. If the verb is an action then it represents who or what does the action.
What is a main verb?
It unites or links two sentences, two nouns, two phrases or clauses.
What is a conjunction.
What is the capital of Sweden?
What is the Past Participle of the verb show?
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic
What are the four ocean in the world?
It is a modal verb: can, could, should, would, may, might, must, have to, ought to, will or shall?
It modifies a verb answering where, when, how. It also modifies an adjective or another adverb by giving it more degree.
What is an adverb?
What is the capital of Hungry?
What is the Base Form or the Past or the Past Participle of the verb cut?
What is the 2nd highest mountain in the world?
It helps the main verb and dictates the verb tense.
What is an aux. verb?