What Authorities in the MRA involve NTGS?
Authorities for drill core (MRA Section 50/51), ROM (45), Assessment Work (42), qualified laboratory for compliance and enforcement (106,107)
Why were the MRA authorities developed?
to manage mineral exploration, development, and mining interests
What additional IT tools will NTGS need to implement the MRA?
Prompt conversation:
Public registry?
Drill cores? Drill core database?
How do we plan to transition to the new regulations?
Very carefully, using change management principles, work planning, transitional Plan, schedule with milestones, budget, training plan, IT support, additional staffing plan, etc.
What MRA regulations are changing that impact the NTGS?
Drill core reporting, drill core removal and storage, drill core abandonment, required reporting for ROM, increased and escalating work requirements, data standards, confidentiality and allowable disclosure etc.
Why are there regulations for drill core management?
Collect data, protect assets, share information.
What new skillsets could be needed to do the new work?
Eg.: more/new/different qualifications or designations to evaluate technical reports, mineralogists, mapping people.
What is being automated for NTGS?
MAARS, service standards, review and approval of work assessment reports, drill core reporting, drill core requests (removal, disposal, transportation), ROM reporting, confidentiality and allowable disclosure, etc.
Why are there regulations for Removal of Minerals that are important to NTGS?
Collecting data for the purpose of making it public, tracking of minerals that are transported outside of the NWT.
Who do you need to communicate with to do your work? Internally and externally.
Suggestions: MRO, DRFA, PPCA, ECC-Inspectors. Interest holders. IGOs.
What new/different work will NTGS need to do because of the MRA?
manage public knowledge/new technical data, drill core management, work assessment reports, ROM reports, etc.
Why are there new regulations for work?
To collect additional and more advanced geological information early in the development of a project.
What new documents do you need to develop/revise to communicate/document your work?
SOP's - Internal procedural documents, external guidance documents, possibly internal and external training courses
What role does NTGS play in support of the MRA?
technical expertise, proving data, providing technical data to the public, managing abandoned drill core, cross-divisional and cross-departmental support for land use planning, industry, and general public
Why are the regulations changing?
S.2 of the MRA Summarized as:
Regulating mineral interests, supporting the economy, encouraging positive relationships between proponents and Ind. Governments and GNWT, respecting rights
What metrics are needed to determine if ITI is on track to meet MRA Regulation and Implementation goals?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)