This woman was the wife of the Prophet (SAW) and the second Mulim after the Prophet (SAW).

A. Aisha (RA)

B. Khadija (RA)

C. Zainab (RA)

D. Hafsa (RA)

Who is Khadija (RA)?


This is where the Prophet (SAW) received his first revelation.

A. Cave Hira

B. Kaba

C. Safa and Marwa

D. Masjid Al Aqsa

What is Cave Hira?


This was the tribe that the Prophet (SAW) belonged to.

A. Quraysh

B. ‘Aws

C. Makhzum

D. ‘Abd ad-Dar

What is the Quraysh?


The Prophet (SAW) arrived in Madina with this person.

A. Abu Sufiyan (RU)

B. Omar (RU)

C. Abu Bakr (RU)

D. Uthman (RU)

Who is Abu Bakr (RU)?


This was the Prophet’s (SAW) first job.

A. Merchant 

B. Shepard

C. Carpenter

D. Keeper of the Kaba

What is a shepard?


This is the only daughter of the Prophet (SAW) who survived him.

A. Zainab (RA)

B. Ruqayyah (RA)

C. Umm Kulthum (RA)

D. Fatima (RA)

Who is Fatima (RU)?


This was the destination of the first Hijra from Makkah.

A. Yemen

B. Damascus

C. Abyssinia

D. Madina

What is Abyssinia?


This uncle of the Prophet (SAW) was such a great enemy of Islam that a Surah was written cursing him.

A. Abu Jahal

B. Al Harith

C. Abu Lahab

D. Az Zubair

Who is Abu Lahab?


The Prophet’s uncle, Hamza (RA), was killed in this battle.

A. Badr

B. Khandaq

C. Yarmouk

D. Uhud

What is the Battle of Uhud?


These characterstics of the Prophet (SAW) earned him the title "As-Sadiq Al-Amin" amongst the Quraysh even before the revelation started.

A. His wealth and generosity

B. His bravery and strength

C. His truthfulness and reliability

D. His eloquence and oratory skills

What is his truthfulness and reliability?


This man was an enemy of the Prophet (SAW) who put animal guts on him while he prayed.

A. Abu Jahal

B. Abu Lahab

C. Abdullah ibn Ubayy

D. Amr ibn Hisham

Who is Abu Jahal?


This is a city located in a valley between two mountains. When the Prophet (SAW) went to spread his message here, he was treated horribly and stoned until he started bleeding.

A. Jubail

B. Quba

C. Jeddah

D. Ta'if

What is Ta'if?


This was the Prophet’s (SAW) first caretaker after he was orphaned.

A. Abu Talib

B. 'Abdul Muttalib

C. Halima (RA)

D. Hamza (RU)

Who is Abdul-Muttalib?


How many years did the Prophet spend in Madina 

A. 10

B. 13

C. 15

D. 23

What is 13 years?


This was how the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) handled criticism or opposition.

A. He became defensive and angry

B. He ignored it and moved on

C. He listened and responded calmly

D. He only accepted praise

What is he listened and responded calmly?


This man had such a strong amount of Imaan that his footsteps were heard in Jannah by the Prophet (SAW) and he was chosen as the first person to give the Adhan. 

A. Omar (RU)

B. Ali (RU)

C. Abu Bakr (RU)

D. Bilal (RU)

Who is Bilal (RU)?


The Prophet (SAW) traveled to this city on Al-Isra’.

A. Madina

B. Jerusalem

C. Damascus

D. Sana

What is Jerusalem?


The Prophet (SAW) was this age when he married Khadija (RA).

A. 25

B. 30

C. 35

D. 40

What is 25 years old?


This treaty was made after the Battle of Al-Khandaq, the Trench. 

A. Al-Hudaybiyah

B. Treaty of Khandaq

C. Quraish agreement

D. Tabuk

What is al-Hudaybiyyah?


This was how the Prophet (SAW) treated his enemies.

A. He was harsh and unforgiving

B. He ignored them

C. He showed them kindness and compassion

D. He only forgave those who converted to Islam

What is he showed them kindness and compassion?


This woman was the only one to witness the Prophet’s (SAW) entire life.

A. Halima (RA)

B. Amina (RA)

C. Umm Aymen (RA)

D. Khadija (RA)

Who is Umm Aymen (RA)?


This is the home country of Salman al-Farsi, who proposed the idea to dig trenches during the battle of Al-Khandaq because it was a common tactic from there.

A. Yemen 

B. Persia

C. Rome

D. Abyssinia 

What is Persia?


Waraqah bin Nawfal was of this religion, but he believed the Prophet (SAW) was truthful about receiving revelation.

A. Judaism

B. Zoroastrianism 

C. Islam

D. Christianity

What is Christianity?


How many times did the Prophet (SAW) perform Hajj and Umra?

A. 1 Hajj and 1 Umra

B. 1 Hajj and 4 Umra

C. 2 Hajj and 2 Umra

D. 2 Hajj and 6 Umra

What is 1 Hajj and 4 Umra?


This was the Prophet's (SAW) attitude towards serving others

A. He believed it was beneath him

B. He only served those in his family

C. He served everyone, regardless of status

D. He only served those who could repay him

What is served everyone, regardless of status?
