Whose card is it anyway?
So transactional
Grand opening - grand closing
The Wire

cards sent to the branch for customer convenience should be logged as what on the retained item sheet?



What is CTR

CTR for the federal government is any cash transaction over $10,000, involving currency, cash in or out or exchanged for different currency.


within the 5 seconds after I complete this statement name a customer and something you learned about them during your last transaction 


When you arrive at the branch you see the home alone sign up and a text from your manager that they went in early for a meeting. How should you commence opening?

wait for a 2nd banker and act as if he is not in the branch while performing a 2 person opening.


When is dual wire approval needed

 Wires greater than $250,000. The 2nd banker will review, authorize, and attest to the validity of the entire transaction.


Retained items are stored where and how

in joint access vault with a partially completed Customer Drop off/pick up receipt (should leave date blank) and logged/initialed in the retained items log 


What is MIL

MIL for the federal government is cash in the amount of $3000 to $10,000 used to purchase a negotiable (or Official Check is okay).


Provide 3 questions used to refresh customer info and a follow up question or statement that educates them on a bank service/product tailored for their situation 

Employment, address, phone number?

employment change could mean they might be interested in starting a savings account if finances have changed " Congrats on the new job! I noticed your last direct deposit was higher. I would recommend opening a savings account for added security going forward"

What are two opening procedures that require 2 bankers

dual control - vault

joint access - night drop


What wire would require approval from your COR MM 

Wires over 2 Million 


What is the difference between a captured and retained card and how long do we keep each prior to destroying?

captured - captured in the atm (we keep on us cards for 5 days and non on us for 1) retained - any found cards or cards sent to the branch 


When a deposit amount error is identified how should we proceed?

indicate the new total on the deposit ticket. If customer is present, please request that they initial the change to reflect their acceptance of the new total amount.


name 3 not on us checks that may be considered without requiring the customer to have enough funds in their account, due to being lower risk 

  • Pension
  • Social Security; Government (*refer to additional requirements for Income Tax refund checks payable to two payees)
  • Unemployment
  • Stimulus
  • Recognized company/known payroll check

Molly set up an appointment to open a joint account with her 21 year old son Mavis. She called the branch because she will drop in during her lunch break and wants to know what to bring aside from her opening deposit and charm. What should we tell her to come with?

ID for both her and Mavis. Mavis also needs to be present 


Name 3 wire red flags

They unknown or out of the area of the account address, branch of record or place of employment

High pressure (emergency)

Did not verbally confirm - Received instructions by internet, email, text, mail

Transaction history does not make sense - large deposit in last 10 days w/out a good explanation for $, customer never sends foreign wires or comes to your branch 


What is a retained item, how long is it kept prior to destroying and what is the procedure before destroying

non negotiable property found at branch. 30days 


Processing debits -explain the mtell process for processing one of these debit transactions if the customer wanted the proceeds to be deposited or used for payment  

Partial/ Closing Withdrawal

Miscellaneous Debit (Customer Account or General Ledger)

Savings Bond Redemption

Canadian Check Cashing

the teller must start Multi-Tran and select the “Other Source of Funds” checkbox. 

NOTE: If the customer would like the entire transaction back as physical cash, Multi-Tran is not necessary.


True or False - since we know our customer who visits weekly it is ok to process his wire when he calls the branch

False - wires should be done in person (visit kk for exceptions)

Melissica and her twin toddlers stopped in to grab something out of her safe deposit box. walk through the process you would complete to access the box

Each time the customer wishes to access their Safe Deposit Box, complete the following:

  1. Identify the customer and document ID on entrance card (i.e. KN for Known or DL for Driver's License, etc.)
  2. Customer(s) must sign the Safe Deposit Box Entrance Card (SDB-006).
    • All people who will be entering the privacy room to view the Safe Deposit Box must sign the Entrance Card, whether they are renters or not. If the customer wants to show the box contents to anyone accompanying him/her, it must be done in the privacy room.
      • When a person is entering is not a renter, have them write, "accompanied by" before their signature. If they are under the age of 16, have them write, "accompanied by individual under 16 years of age" before their signature.

      • 3 Record the current date, time of entrance and employee's initials.

    • Entrance Card should remain out of the file until the box is returned to the vault.

Obtaining Safe Deposit Box from Vault:

  1. Enter the vault with the customer and unlock the box together. 
  2. Remove the safe deposit box and give it to the customer.
  3. Lock Safe Deposit Box door and give customer their key.
    • Key cannot be left in door lock while the customer is privacy room.
    • Vault branch (guard) key remains with bank employee.
  4. Watch the customer carry the box to a designated privacy room.
    • If the customer needs assistance, ensure the box is always in customer sight.
  5. The customer should never leave the unlocked box unattended or with a bank employee. 
  6. No one may be left alone in the vault.


Returning Safe Deposit Box to Vault:

  1. Re-check the box number on Entrance Card.
  2. Inspect the privacy room for articles left prior to letting customer back into the vault.
  3. Customer carries safe deposit box back to the vault.
    • If the customer needs assistance, ensure the box is always in customer sight.
  4. Enter the vault with the customer and unlock the box.
  5. Place safe deposit box back into vault.
  6. Lock the door.
  7. Return customer's key immediately.
  8. Exit vault with customer.
  9. Mark the Entrance Card with time and initials.
  10. File Entrance Card.

If the wire is over $300,000 and was completed outside of DASH, be prepared for a call back from who before the process is complete?

Payment Services


what are the form names for the Customer Drop off/pick up receipt and the Customer Retained Items Log 

Customer Retained Items Log - BR931

Customer Drop off/pick up receipt - BR930


What are the seven items of negotiability

Physical - no alterations, erasures, misspellings, check number, paper and in, security feature

Drawee Bank  - should show name of bank

Date - not post/stale

Amount - numeric agrees w/written. legible and unaltered 

Maker - maker's signature

Payee - person/entity receiving funds

endorsement - endorsed as drawn


What was the last UAR

Ms. Barner's mobile check deposit and attempt to withdrawal the funds at the teller station for a check with a different payee name and single endorsement for that payee


True or False - If the ATM Single Access Custodian has a cash drawer, they may store the ATM keys in their cash drawer overnight?



What are the wire cut off times for both retail and business customers, and what should be done if requested after hours?

Foreign Business wire 6:00 AM and 4:00PM EST for US funds and 3pm foreign, Monday - Friday (will need to compete payment order form if requested after time, will process next business day) no cancelation

Foreign Consumer wire is 3pm, has 30 mins to cancel

Domestic Wire Transfer: Consumer or Business - 6:00 am and 6:30 pm EST, Monday-Friday (will need to complete payment order form if requested after time, will process next business day)
