Under the Sea
What's in a name?
Human Body
Smell the Roses
Country Roads
Found in the ocean, this is the biggest animal on earth.

What is the Blue Whale? An adult female can grow to 100 feet long- about the length of a Boeing 737. Blue whales can weigh up to 200 tons (400,000 pounds). That's 30 times heavier than an African elephant. In fact, just their tongue can weigh as much as an elephant.


The name of the company responsible for the Ipod and Ipad.

What is Apple? Apple was founded on April 1, 1975 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. The company's current yearly revenue is a whopping 269.97 billion dollars.


The number of traditional senses in a human being

What is 5? Sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch are the considered the main five senses. Scientists, however, note that we do possess some other senses that often go unnoticed. Examples of these include pressure sensation, thermoception (which allows us to perceive hot and cold), and nociception (which alerts us to pain).


These flowering plants spread their seeds on water and a big favorite of frogs.

What are water lilies? Their floating leaves, lily pads, make great resting places for frogs.


These two countries share the longest border in the world.

What is Canada and the US? Canada is also the second largest country in the world by land mass.


The fastest fish in the ocean is the 

a. bonita b. wahoo c. sailfish

What is the sailfish? Sailfish have been clocked at speeds over 68 miles per hour.

"www" stands for this

What is "world wide web"? Interestingly, the internet consists of tiny bits of code that move around the world, traveling along wires as thin as a strand of hair strung across the ocean floor (nearly 750,000 miles of them). The data zips across the world in the time it takes you to read this.


The daily recommended calorie intake for an adult female

What is 2000? The guideline for an adult man ranges from 2200 to 3200 per day.


In the Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch poisoned this flower, who's seeds are often used in baked goods.

What is a poppy? Poppies are symbols of remembering dead soldiers, especially from World War I.

You would find the Bay of Pigs in this country.

What is Cuba? The Bay of Pigs is an inlet in the south of the island and was made famous by the US invasion in 1961.


The largest sea turtle in the world is

a.loggerhead b. kemps ridley c. leatherback

What is leatherback? The leatherback sea turtle can weigh up to 2,000 pounds!


The name of the country credited with inventing the burrito and the taco.

What is Mexico? No one really agrees on the etymology of the word "Mexico". Some say it means "Place Where the God of War Lives", as this god's name is Mexi. Others say it means "At the Navel of the Moon".


The name of the substance over-produced in the body in an allergic reaction.

What is histamine? Aquagenic Urticaria is the allergy to water. Incredibly rare, it causes a person to break out in hives whenever water touches their skin.


These flowers, popular in the springtime, can replace onions as a spice in cooking.

What are tulips? Tulips are part of the lily family, which also includes onions, garlic, and asparagus. The petals are edible and have been used as an onion substitute and to make wine. Tulips were commonly used in food during the Dutch famine over the course of WWII.


Beirut is the capital of this country.

What is Lebanon? Beirut is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, with a history that spans over 5,000 years.


True or false? Kelp has roots.

What is false? Kelp does not have roots. Instead, it is secured by holdfasts that lock onto substrates made of rock or cobble.


The name of the South African born CEO of SpaceX and the brains behind Tesla.

Who is Elon Musk? Elon Musk sold his first invention when he was just 12 years old. As a child, he taught himself to code and created a game called Blastar. When he was 12 years old, he sold it to PC and Office Technology Magazine for $500.


This average person has ___ million sweat glands.

What is 2? Sweat glands are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, designed to regulate body temperature, and only occur in mammals. 


This very expensive spice that originated in Iran comes from the Crocus flower.

What is saffron? This 0.06 oz bottle costs $18.83!


Mali, a landlocked country in West Africa, is known to be the _____ country in the world.

What is hottest? The average temperature of Mali is 83.89 degrees. Today in Bamako, the captical city, it is 98 degrees. It has been known to reach 122 degrees Farenheight in July and August.

This sea creature is the longest-living vertebrate on Earth.

What is a Greenland Shark? Scientists recently discovered a 400 year old female Greenland shark.


Originally known as Dippy Dawg, this cartoon dog is friends with mice and ducks alike.

Who is Goofy? After hitting the scene as Dippy Dawg in 1932, Goofy's other names have included George G. Geef, G.G. "Goofy" Goof, and Goofus D. Dawg. 

In this part of the body, you would find the choroid.

What are the eyes? The choroid is the middle layer of tissue in the wall of the eye, made up almost entirely of blood vessels. It provides oxygen and nutrients to the retina to keep it healthy and functioning.


In the past, the juices of this flower were used to make glue:

a. bluebell b. buttercup c. rose

What are bluebells? The sap of the bluebell plant was boiled down to create a stick substance that was used to bind books. Additionally, bluebells were also used as a diuretic and a treatment for snakebites.


These three countries officially make up Scandinavia.

What are Denmark, Norway, and Sweden? The grouping known as the Nordic countries includes these, plus Iceland, Denmark and Finland.

You could find Madagascar in this ocean.

What is the Indian Ocean? Madagascar is roughly 260 miles from the east coast of Africa.


The animal term for a football official is derived from the patterned shirt that he wears.

What is a zebra? Our planet is home to three different species of zebra, the Plains zebra, Grevy's zebra, and mountain zebra.


The human body contains many of these; some are hinge, some are saddle, and some are pivot types.

What are joints? The largest is the knee, a hinge joint.


If you're pushing up daisies, you're not arranging flowers. You're ___.

What is dead? "Pushing up daisies" is an idiom that dates back to the mid-19th century. The first appearance of the idiom in its exact form was in 1917 in a poem titled 'A Terre' by Wilfred Owen.


The world's top wine-producing countries are France and ___.

What is Italy? The oldest evidence of ancient wine production has been traced back to 6000 BC.


True or false: The longest mountain range in the world is under the ocean.

What is True? The Mid-Oceanic Ridge stretches all acros the ocean floor along tectonic plate boundaries, reaching roughly 65 thousand km in length.


This British singer titled her first three albums after the turning-point ages when she began recording them: 19, 21, & 25.

Who is Adele? Adele was born in London on May 5, 1988. She has sold over 120 million records worldwide and won 15 Grammy Awards.


The sartorius soleus sternomastoid, adductor longus, and bicep are all examples of this.

What are muscles? The human body has over 650 different muscles. It has been shown that it takes nearly double the number of facial muscles to smile as to frown.


This word often precedes west, fire and flower.

What is wild? Wildflowers are important for supporting pollinators, having medicinal uses, and contributing to biodiversity and cultural traditions. 


In terms of sheer land size, this is the SECOND largest country in the world.

What is Canada? The largest country by land size is Russia. The United States ranks third.
