What country do we live in?
We live in the United States Of America
What is another name for the national anthem
The Star Spangle Banner
Where is the Liberty Bell located
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
What does the bald eagle stand for
New York City
How many stars are on the U.S. flag and what do they represents
There are 50 stars on the flag, and they represent the 50 states.
What is the national anthem?
Our nations song
What does the Liberty bell stand for
What items can we find the bald eagle on?
Quarter, dollar bill, the great seal, and a flagpoles
How many faces are on Mount Rushmore?
How many stripes are on the U.S flag and what do they represent
There are 13 stripes and they represent the 13 colonies
When is the national anthem most commonly sung?
When large groups gather together
Why don't we ring the Liberty Bell?
It has a crack in it
What is the great seal used on?
The great seal is used on important government papers
What does the president do in the White House?
The president lives, and he works in the White House.
What do we say as a promise to be loyal to our country
The pledge of Allegiance
When we sing the national anthem where do we place our right hand?
over our heart
What is the Liberty Bell made of
Is the bald eagle really bald?
What is Wisconsin's state, animal?
Wisconsin state animal is the badger.
What does each color represent
The blue represent being fair
The red represents being brave
The white represent being good and kind
Attorney Francis Scott Key watched the British bombard the U.S. Fort McHenry in the Battle of Baltimore. Given the size of the attack he thought Britain would win, but someone gave up the fight who gave up the fight?
The British.
How much does the Liberty Bell weight?
1 ton
35 year or longer
What is Wisconsin's State dance?
Wisconsin State dance is the polka