The total number of plagues that struck Egypt before Pharaoh released the Israelites.
What is ten?
The commandment that promises longevity for those who keep it
What is "Honor your father and mother"?
The two spies who remained faithful when scouting Canaan
Who are Joshua and Caleb?
The specific day each year when the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place
What is the Day of Atonement?
The number of years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness
What is forty?
God declared this event to be a perpetual remembrance for the Israelites, marking their deliverance from Egyptian oppression
What is Passover?
The penalty outlined in the law for taking God’s name in vain
What is death?
The reason God did not allow the first generation of Israelites to enter Canaan
What is their unbelief and disobedience?
The first offering mentioned in Leviticus, which was completely consumed by fire
What is the burnt offering?
The number of Israelite spies who gave a negative report about Canaan
What is ten?
The name of the location where bitter water was made sweet after Moses cast a piece of wood into it.
What is Marah?
The commandment Jesus called the greatest when summarizing the law
What is "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind"?
The tribe that was not counted in the general census but assigned to carry the tabernacle
What is the tribe of Levi?
The condition required for an animal to be considered clean for consumption
What is split hooves and chewing the cud?
The name of the man who led a rebellion against Moses and was swallowed by the earth
Who is Korah?
The Israelites were attacked here by Amalekites, requiring Moses to keep his arms raised for victory
What is Rephidim?
The book where Moses reiterates the Ten Commandments to the new generation before entering Canaan
What is Deuteronomy?
The incident that caused Moses to be barred from entering the Promised Land
What is striking the rock instead of speaking to it?
The reason Nadab and Abihu were struck down by God
What is offering unauthorized fire?
The event that caused Balaam’s donkey to speak
What is the appearance of the angel of the Lord?
The ultimate reason God hardened Pharaoh’s heart repeatedly
What is to display His power and make His name known?
The consequence given in Deuteronomy for worshiping other gods after entering Canaan
What is exile to a foreign land?
The symbolic action Moses performed to heal those bitten by serpents
What is lifting up the bronze serpent?
The consequence of touching something unclean without purification
What is being cut off from the people?
The location where Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, leading to Miriam’s leprosy
What is Hazeroth?