Check the facts
Opposite Action

What does the "B" in "ABC" stand for?

"Building Mastery"


Name two different mood-altering substances/drugs

Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, stimulants, psychedelics, etc. 

You’re crossing the street and a car is driving very quickly towards you.

What do you feel?

Is it justified?

Yes, run!


How would you act opposite to feeling sad?

Get Active! Approach, "avoid avoiding," engage in pleasant activities like listening to a happy song and dancing, watching funny videos, going on a walk, playing with an animal or child, etc. 


How does "accumulating positive experiences" in the short term effect your mood in the moment?

Improves your mood


What does the "PL" stand for in PLEASE? (hint: it's a weird abbreviation) 

"PhysicaL illness" 


Name a situation where feeling guilt would "fit the facts" 

Any response where your behavior "violates your moral code or values" 

You fell down in the hallway and are embarrassed. How could you immediately act opposite? 

Pick yourself up and walk confidently off!


Name two different ways to "build mastery" 

hint: something you would learn or get better at over a longer period of time

run a marathon, learn a new language, learn a new instrument, learn a sport, become more organized with homework, learn a new craft, practice having healthier arguments and disagreements, learning and practicing DBT skills!


Name two ways to improve your sleep. 

Going to bed at a consistent time, having a cool temperature in your bedroom, avoiding food or caffeine late at night, turning screens off before bed, mindfulness and relaxation before bed, etc. 


Your sibling got a pet hamster for their birthday. You don't want a pet, especially a hamster, but you've been sulking around the house for a week because they got something and you didn't. 

What emotions are you feeling?

Are they justified?

Envy, and after we check the facts, not really! You don't want a pet, and it was their birthday, so not as likely that you would get a gift.


You had a fight with your parent because you want to stay out past curfew. You slam your door and blast music.

What are you feeling?

How could you have acted opposite to change the outcome of your discussion?

Feeling angry, you can act opposite by gently avoiding them until your emotion felt less intense, and then try and negotiate a compromise. 


What are some pros and cons of Coping Ahead?

Pro: helps reduce emotional suffering in the moment, helps you identify how you will cope with a stressful situation

Con: may not problem solve or get rid of stressful circumstances, easy to confuse with just "worrying" 


Describe a meal with at least three different food groups. 

Variable answers that include protein, carbs, veggies, fruits, dairy, healthy fats, etc. 


Your best friend who came to visit you for two weeks is leaving today. You are distraught and feeling extremely lonely as you anticipate her departure. You want to cancel therapy tonight as you just don’t want to deal, and have the urge to lock yourself in your room for the next week. 

Is the intensity of your feeling valid?

After checking the facts, the feeling (sad) may be justified, but the intensity is not. 


Opposite Action works best when ____ (name two factors) 

1. The emotion does not fit the facts

2. The emotion or its intensity/duration are not effective

3. You perform it "all the way" using opposite behaviors, words, thinking, facial expressions, voice tone, posture
