Zone of truth has a casting time of 1 minute?
At what level do Barbarians get their rage
1st Level
How many subclass options for the fighter were there in 2014 phb
What is the level 5 feature for a druid called in the 2024 PHB
Wild Resurgence
In the 2024 phb what level does it say for starting equipment that players can start with an uncomment item.
At level 5 in the PHB a fighter gets 2 level 5 features from their class.
At what level do you gain access to 7th level spells. (as a full caster)
13th level
How many Classes use a D8 for their hit die in the 2014 PHB
At what level does a monk get Perfect Focus (2024)
15th level
What ac does a Giant Weasel have.
There are 15 background options in the 2024 PHB
False there is 16
At what level does the bards bardic inspiration go up to a D12
How many Races were in the 2014 PHB
Which beast from the beast master subclass in 2024 has a 90 foot Darkvision; Land, Sea, or Sky.
How many D6s would you use for a 9th level fireball.
Antimanic Field is available to 3 classes.
How many options are there for the warlock for 9th level spells in 2024
For A soul knife rogue they can teleport at what level can they do that.
9th level
How many Cantrips does a Sorcerer get to choose from in the 2024 PHB
There are more then 375 pages in the new PHB
How many Spells for the 2014 PHB use the word Fire or Flame for first part of the spell.
When the PHB is giving an example for prerequisite for feats what feat does it use for the example
At 17th level a Oath of Devotion Paladin gets 2 5th level spells from their Subclass list the first is Flame Strike what is the second spell
How many planes are there in the outer planes