These are the three main colors of the flag of Mexico
What is Red, White, and Green
Finish this saying: Put your money
What is: Where your mouth is
Three of these words have something in common. Which on is Odd Man Out and Why.
Snap, String, Finger, Wax
What is Finger--The others are types of beans
These are the 4 US states that begin with the letter A
What are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas
Army Knife
What is Swiss
Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Oaxaca are what?
What are States in Mexico. There are 31 states plus a Federal District.
Button your ________
What is:
Marriott, Greek, Garden, Potato
Marriott is Odd man out--The other 3 are salads.
These two signs of the Zodiac begin with the letter A
What are Aquarius and Aries
Chocolate cake
What is German
Cinco de Mayo celebrates this.
What is the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.
Go weak______ ___ _____
What is:
In the knees
Simon, Wilson, Newman, Hogan
Wilson is Odd man out as the other 3 all have Paul as a first name.
These 3 US Presidents last names begin with the letter
Who are John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Chester A. Arthur
Jumping Bean
What is Mexican
Tequila is produced from this plant.
What is agave
Joined ___ ____ ____
What is:
At the hip
Pound, Pencil, Coffee, Fruit
Odd man is Pencil. The others are cakes/
Two punctuation marks begin with the letter A
What are apostrophe and asterisk.
What is Canadian
Mexican Independence Day
When is September 16th
The long _____ _____ _____ _______
What is:
Arm of the law
Drof, Yellort, Adnoh, Ovlov
Yellort is trolley spelled backwards. The others are automobile manufacturers--Ford, Honda, Volvo
What do These Acronyms stand for: AAA, ATM, ACLU, ASAP, AKA
AAA=American Automobile Association
ATM-Automated Teller Machine
ACLU=American Civil Liberties Union
ASAP=As Soon As Possible
AKA=Also Known As
What is English