What is my favorite running shoe (be specific!!)
Brooks ghost 14
What is my birthday?
October 13th
What was the PR time in XC? (if can't get it, where was my PR)
20:15, KS
What is my favorite xc course?
Our course :)
How many dogs do I have?
Who is my favorite underclassman runner?
What college did Miss Ish go to?
U Dub
What is my brother's major?
Computer Science
What is my favorite color?
What is my least favorite food? (it's green)
Recite the first line for University of Texas!!! NOW!!!
Recite bruh
What is my least favorite food?
How many siblings does my mom have?
How long was I an only child for on my dad's side?
16 years
How old is David Freidmann?
Why did my tooth turn black?
Failed front flip
How many colleges did I get into (initially)?
Lorilyn (Lyn also acceptable)
What is Shainas favorite movie?
How to lose a guy in 10 days...