Meadow has donned this organization's mascot costume before for a variety of reasons/instances. Bonus: What's the mascot's name?
What is Innovation FCU.
What is Fat Cat
How many times have I thought about dropping out of university?
What is twice
What two sports did Ben play when he was younger?
What is Hockey and Baseball
How many times has Madzz changed her program?
What is three
How many classes was Mona in during term 1 of this year?
What is two
Where did Emma study abroad?
What is Stevens favourite colour?
Oh no Meadow! What is Grace's favourite food?
What is Peppers
In what year did the EBSS start?
What is 1944
What is the theme for the names of meadow's Apple products/devices?
What is fruits, depending on device colour
What breed of dog is Jett?
What is an Alaskan Malamute
Which friend on EBSS of Ben's also got a fish at the same time as him?
Who is Taylor
What is Madzz favourite soup from the Arts cafe?
How many Exec meetings has Mona slept through?
What is two, but it feels like it's more.
Name 4 people on Emma's portfolio
Any possible answers: Bryanna, Nandita, Shaheer, Paige, Kyungsoo, Crystal, Kayla
What is Stevens family dogs name?
What is Cinnamon
Grace has played a couple instruments. What instrument did she go to music festival provincials for?
What is Piano
Edwards School of Business is named after N. Murray Edwards, who is also a co-owner of this Canadian NHL team.
What is the Calgary Flames
This was Meadow's sport of choice growing up, known to compete in as a young athlete and even coached and taught younger children in it?
What is Swimming
Where did I get my first job?
What is the SLGA
What is the name of the rec hockey team that Ben plays for.
What are the Saskatoon Thrashers
What is Madzz best class in University?
What is Art and Visual Culture 121
What drink did Mona dress up as for “dress as your favorite drink night” at Roundtable?
What is Vodka Slime
What is Emma's favourite colour?
What is Pink?
What is Stevens middle name(s)?
What is William Kelly
What level of school (elementary, high school, etc.) was Grace in when she first got Snapchat?
What is in High School
In 2019, Edwards students made headlines by placing first in this national competition, focused on ethical business decision-making.
What is the Canadian Business Ethics Competition (CBEC)?
Meadow went to high school with this former EBSS President?
Who is Eljay Dunca
What is Law and Pharmacy
In what year did Ben get mock married and divorced?
What’s is 2023
How many times has Madzz been to a hospital in a different country?
What is 2
How long has Mona been doing other people’s nails (in 2024)?
What is June - December (7 months)
What is Emma's brothers name?
What is Adam?
What instrument did Steven play in band class?
What is the Oboe
How many Christmas trees did Grace set up this past Christmas?
What is four
In what year was the old curriculum set in to motion? Hint* the one Holden is still on.
What is 2011
The middle name of Meadow's cat Elsie, derived from the breeder that she came from?
What is Diva?
How many times did I almost quit EBSS? Bonus points if you can answer when, both are close to major events.
What is Twice.
How many times in 2024 did Ben hurt his head. Bonus points for naming any instance.
What is three.
What is the real reason Madzz is in business?
What is Formal
How many countries has Mona been to (including Canada)?
What is 24
When is Emma's birthday?
What is June 12, 2003
Who was Stevens favourite high school science teacher?
Who is Mrs. Welter <3
Grace participated in her high school production of Sister Act. What was her role?
What is Head of Crew?
How many times has the college had a name change?
What is 4 times