True or false: Talking about suicide causes teens to commit suicide.
False. Talking about suicide helps teens know the signs of suicide and helps teens prevent suicide.
Girls are more likely to have suicidal thoughts compared to boys.
Yes. Girls are more likely to have suicidal thoughts compared to boys.
Warning sign? Giving away belongings.
What should you ask a friend if you think they may be suicidal?
Are you feeling suicidal?
Are you thinking about suicide?
Name 2 people who you can go to in school if you are feeling depressed?Pr
School counselor. Nurse. Teacher. Behavior staff. Principal.
Depression is the leading cause of teen suicide.
True. Depression is the most common cause of teen suicide.
Teen girls are more likely to commit suicide than boys.
No! Teen boys are more likely to commit suicide more than teen girls.
Warning sign? Physical pain.
Teens often complain about physical symptoms related to headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, etc. prior to attempting suicide.
What should you do if a friend tells you that they are feeling stressed and overwhelmed?
One way a friend can help if someone tells you they are planning to kill themselves is to ask a trusted adult for help.
Yes. Tell an adult so they can help you get your friend help to prevent the suicide.
Mood swings are a red flag for someone who is suicidal
True. Changes in personality can be a sign of someone who might commit suicide.
One in five teens suffer from depression
Yes. The numbers increased during COVID.
Warning sign? Changes in sleep.
Teens at risk of suicide often sleep more and/or struggle to fall sleep and stay asleep.
True or False: When a friend tells you they want to die, they need your help.
True: when someone shares suicidal thoughts with you, they are really desperate for someone to get help for them.
What is the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline? (Hint: ###)
Someone who talks about suicidal is often suicidal
True. If someone talks about suicide, they often are thinking about committing suicidal
People with weapons have the means to kill themselves and are at high risk.
If a friend tells you they are suicidal, is it ever OK to keep their suicidal feelings a secret?
No. If someone tells you they are suicidal, don't joke about it. Don't judge. Don't dismiss their feelings. Don't keep it secret. Get help.
How do you use the Suicide/Crisis Lifeline? CALL? TEXT? CHAT?
Call, text, AND chat!
All teens who self-harm are suicidal.
False. Not all teens who self-harm are suicidal. Most are struggling to cope with strong emotions.
If a friend tells you they are depressed and thinking of killing themselves, it's ok to meet up and drink togother so they don't feel so alone.
No! Alcohol is a depressant. It makes you MORE depressed. The last thing that your friend needs is to drink. Listen. Support. Get help from an adult.
Warning sign? Talking about dying or hurting oneself.
Yes. Suicidal teens think that the world would be a better place without them. Take them seriously. Get help.
What are some ways to start a conversation with someone you are worried about?
"I wonder how you're doing lately." "You haven't seemed yourself lately." "I've been worried about you lately." "How are you?" "Can I help?"
If your friend texts you that they just took a bunch of pills to kill themselves, you should immediately do what?
Call 911. Get medical help right away. Your friend needs medical attention as soon as possible.