What did Able sacrifice on his alter that was rejected by the lord
Fruit and vegetables
Which apostle was "beloved" by the savior
Name the 2 brothers born in the wilderness to Lehi and Sariah?
Jacob and Joseph
Where was the first LDS temple built?
Kirkland Ohio
Name the 4th President of the church
Wilford Woodruff
What tower was built by the wicked to reach heaven
Tower of Babel
What was the sign given to Zacharias when he doubted the angel Gabriel announcing his wife Elizabeth would bring forth a child?
He was struck dumb
After killing Laban what did Nephi take from him which became a symbol of the Nephites defense?
Sword of Laban
What Missouri city will eventually be the site of a great temple just prior to the millennium
President Nelson was often heard saying this.."Ask the missionaries, they can _____ _____"
Help you
Which prophet asked for a widows to give up her last meal?
40 days
Name the Lamanite king that Ammon converted
King Lamoni
What was the first temple to be completed in Utah?
St. George
What day is pioneer day?
July 24th
What item was hidden in Benjamins sack of grain to falsely accuse him of stealing?
A silver cup
Which road was Saul traveling on when he heard the voice of the lord asking why he persecuted the saints?
Road to Damascus
What name did the secret group of robbers go by?
Which section in the D&C covers the word of wisdom
Who was the name of the super strong biblical man which lost his power when his hair was cut?
How many years did the children of Israel wander in the wilderness?
40 years
What day of the week was christ crucified?
What king did Abinadi defy which resulted in his death by fire?
What language was the book of mormon translated from
What young boy prophet was given away to Eli to be raised in the temple