Air Traffic Control Facility Operations, Training, Maintenance, and Standardization
The primary purpose of the ATC system
To prevent a collision involving aircraft operating in the system.
Medical Recommendation for Flying or Special Operational Duty
You would say this to a pilot in the event of an observed abnormality.
The title of AR 95-2.
Air Traffic Control, Airfield/Heliport, and Airspace Operations.
This is when airfield weather status would be posted on DA Form 3502.
When daily operations begin and as it changes during the day.
6-2 Weather Data
The qualities of braking action
Good, good to medium, medium, medium to poor, poor OR nil.
3-3-4 Braking Action
Does the term aircrew, or aircrew members apply to ATC?
Yes. The term, aircrew or aircrew members, applies here to any individual involved in the flight operation of aircraft, to include all non-rated crewmembers, air traffic controllers, unmanned aerial system operators, and to include Department of the Army civilian personnel and contracters.
Obtain a PIREP from a pilot
REQUEST/SAY flight conditions
What is defined as a training day?
Actual days the facility was open where the trainee is present in the facility for at least 4 hours.
These are the four training phases associated with the FTP:
- Indoctrination
- Primary Knowledge
- Position Qualification
- Facility Rating
3-2 Training Phases
These are your Interphone Priorities
1. Emergency messages
2. Clearance and Control Instructions
3. Movement and Control messages
4. Movement messages on VFR Aircraft
2-4-11. Interphone Transmission Priorities
Aircrew will be restricted from flying duty for 48 hours after the effects of any form of anesthesia.
True or False
False. Restriction for general, spinal, or epidural anesthesia is 48 hours and for a minimum of 12 hours after local or regional anesthesia.
pg. 2
Landing Surface
An ATCS Certificate is valid until cancelled or:
-Permanently, medically disqualified from ATC Duties
-Relieved of duty for cause because of negligence, character/behavioral disorder, the provisions of AR 600-85, lack of aptitude, and/or apathy.
pg. 19
Upon arrival and establishment of ATC services at a location, all controllers holding previous facility ratings in like facilities will be given this
DA Form 3479-1 evaluation(Skill Check) by the CTO/ATCS Examiner prior to executing ATC responsibilities.
5-4 On-Site Procedures
The meaning of RCH(Prefix)
AMC(Air Mobility Command)
2-3-5. Aircraft Identity
Aircrew members are not able to donate blood/plasma more than how many annually.
No more than 2 times a year.
Give a traffic call
Type of Aircraft
These are the qualifications for an ATCS examiner
- Meet and maintain the physical standards set forth in AR 40-501
- Possess, or have held previously, and ATCS facility for the same type facility
- Have a minimum of 3 years facility-rated experience
pg. 21
If lost link occurs, the UAS pilot/operator will immediately notify ATC with the following information:
- Time of link loss
- Last known position
- Altitude
- Direction of flight
- Confirmation of execution of lost link procedures
- Confirmation of visual contact with UAS
2-5 Emergency Procedures
The meaning of MARSA
Military Authority assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft
1-2-6. Abbreviations
You may use over-the-counter medication without consulting a flight surgeon or APA
True or False
True if medication is in accordance of the most recent APL
pg 2
The 4 ways of responding to a pilots request.
-Approved as requested
These are the Training Time Limitations for each type of facility.
Flight following facility- 88
GCA- 88
ATC tower- 154
ATC tower with nonradar approach control- 198
ARAC- 526
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