Who was Jodi mad at on January 15, 2025?
Which 2024-2025 solo prop had a legacy?
Frankie's "The Greatest Showman" 23-24 solo prop was used in Hannah's "Toxic" 24-25 solo
What was the first company performance you ever participated in?
No correct response
Who calls who all the time?
Frankie calls Jodi
Who sings 23-24 AND 24-25 openings?
Dua Lipa
What happened right before opening at Light Up the Park?
Fiorella could not roll out the prop like in practice.
Who changed her solo song?
What performance did we have to perform on a weird space?
Allegro, Carnival at Equestrians, Carnival at Amphitheater 23-24
Who does flag football?
What is the name of Coral Springs' hip hop number?
Who cried at Wed-Thur. because of Anabella?
Which 23-24 solo was a Taylor Swift song?
Avery's solo; "Getaway Car."
How many dances performed at the carnival at Equestrians?
10 performances
What is Frankie's dream job?
Kindergarten teacher
What is your favorite song from dance EVER?
No correct answer
Why was Taylor crying after opening at LUTP?
Because Summer kicked her in a six o'clock
Name a lyrical solo.
Hannah's, Taylor Rose's, Fiorella's, Izabella's,
How many parade practices will there be in 24-25?
5 practices
Who met who from outside of dance?
Stella met Fiorella
What is the name of Junior Company's Lyrical?
Who was upset for two months because of what?
Frankie, Jodi, and Fiorella because Elisabeth was gone for two months
Who was going to do a 24-25 solo but never did?
What was really hot at Equestrians in 24-25?
The changing room
What is Fiorella's other passion?
Who sings Coral Springs lyrical number?