What is 8
What is a screwdriver
Bratty kid ruins christmas for a couple of theives
What is Home Alone
1st day of Christmas
What is a partridge in a pear tree
White dude wears a black top hat
What is Frosty the Snowman
Round circles on either end
What is a house
Main Alcohol in a Martini
What is Gin
He is not like the others, this man raised at the North Pole is goes in search of his father
10th day of Christmas
What are ten Lords a leaping
Shhhh. It's dark outside.
What is Silent Night
Touching a stone while sweeping is called
What is a burned rock
Champagne is authentic when it is from this region in what country
Where is Champagne region of France
Cheap old dude visited by apparitions
6th day of Christmas
What are Six geese a-laying
Heart given then given away - what?
What is Last Christmas
Where did curling orginate
What is Scotland
Shot made with butterscotch schnapps and irish cream liqueur
What is a Slippery Nipple or Butterball Shot
Pumpkin King dresses up as Sandy Claws
11th day of Christmas
What are Eleven pipers piping
Listen to this......
What is Carol of the Bells
Average weight of a curling rock
What is 40 lbs
Mead is sweetened with this
What is Honey
Dog wears antlers and pulls dress up Santa with tiny heart
What is How the Grinch Stole Christmas
12th day of Christmas
What are Twelve drummers drumming
Old lady is accosted by animal with hooves
What is Grandma got runover by a reindeer