This work means putting full dependence or trust in
What is faith
Repentance is like the __________of a tree
What is Roots
What were Jesus first word in response to Satan's temptation?
What is "it is written"
What sacrificial animal is Christ compared to?
What is a LAMB
Can we be saved by our good works?
This word means being sorry for, asking forgiveness for and turning away from sin.
What is Repentance
Repentance for salvation takes place first here.
What is the heart/mind of a person
What were Satan's three temptations to Christ?
What is turn stones into bread; jump off the temple wall; bow down to Satan.
How many times did Jesus have to die for sin?
What is once
Can children repent and trust Christ for Salvation
This word mean Christ's act of freeing from sin
What is redemption
How does a sinner receive righteousness
What is by trusting in Jesus Christ
What was Satans purpose in tempting Jesus
What did the priest do for the sinner who brought a lamb?
He made atonement for the sinner.
Who is required to repent?
This word means conduct in agreement with a standard or law; innocent or free of sin
The results of repentance are like this part of a tree
What is the fruit.
What did Jesus quote in response to Satan's temptation
What is God's word (Bible verse)
How is Jesus the Lamb of God
Jesus bore the sin of the whole world, making atonement for the world
CAn a person be a child of God if her puts his trust in Jesus but has no desire to repent (turn from his sin)?
Is repentance and outward change or an inward change.
It is an inward change with outward results.
For how many days did Jesus not eat before being tempted
What is forty
What does Christ's one-time death and resurrection tell us about Christ's atonement?
It was perfect.
Who must we put our trust in to be saved and washed clean from our sins?