What is Papa G’s birthday? (Day, month, year)
March 15, 1945
How many grandkids does Papa G have?
What plants does Papa G grow in his front plant potters?
Petunias and potentially potatoes
Where did Nana and Papa G go right before COVID?
What other language does Papa G know how to speak?
What age was Papa G when he retired from Nova?
58 (or 56?)
What is Papa G’s wife’s first name?
What 18 hole sport does Papa G like to play?
In what Canadian city did Nana and Papa G get married?
Who are these people?
Papa G and his siblings
On what type of vessel did Papa G work as a young man?
Cargo ship
What are the names of Papa G’s children?
Gisele Maria Elena
What type of water installation did Papa G build in the backyard?
What airline does Papa G always fly with?
Air Canada
What is Papa G’s middle name?
What two countries did Papa G grow up?
Barbados and Trinidad
What sibling order was Papa G born?
What is Papa G’s favourite place on a cruise?
The balcony looking out at sea
What was Papa G’s title at work?
Process Engineer
What African country was on Papa G’s ancestry result?
What was Papa G’s favourite Christmas memory? (as stated on the 2024 Christmas cruise…)
Papa G coming home from Montreal for Christmas (awwwww)
What vehicle does Papa G currently drive? (full name)
Hyundai Hybrid Tuscan
What city were Nana and Papa G in, also known as the most southern city?
Ushuaia Argentina
What recording does Papa G listen to every third Monday in January?
“I have a dream” Martin Luther King Jr.