Who coined the term “intersectionality”?
Kimberlé Crenshaw
What does positionality mean?
How one’s identity and experience shape their worldview.
What is the difference between being “not racist” and “anti-racist”?
Anti-racism involves actively opposing racism and system inequities.
What policy perpetuated housing segregation in the 20th century?
What is an ally?
Someone who supports marginalized groups in their fight for equality.
Give an example of how race and gender intersect in shaping experiences.
Women of color may face both sexism and racism in the workplace.
What are the three key components of positionality?
Self awareness, power dynamics, and critical reflexivity
Name one way social workers can practice anti-racism.
Advocate for equitable policies in housing, education, or healthcare.
What does systemic racism mean?
Racism embedded in systems, institutions, and policies.
What is performative allyship?
Supporting a cause publicly without meaningful action.
Why is intersectionality important to social work practice?
It helps social workers address multiple layers of oppression affecting clients.
How does positionality affect relationships with clients?
It influences how we perceive clients and approach their needs.
What is implicit bias, and how does it relate to anti-racism?
Unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that impact decision; addressing them is part of anti-racism.
What is generational poverty?
Poverty passed down due through families due to systemic barriers.
How can social workers be agitators for change?
By advocating, organizing, and disrupting inequitable systems.
What systems of oppression are highlighted in intersectionality?
Racism, sexism, classism, ableism, and more.
Why is critical reflexivity important for social workers?
Why is accountability essential in anti-racist work?
It ensures individuals and organizations follow through on their commitments to equity.
How does systemic racism affect educational opportunities?
Unequal school funding, lack of resources, and racial bias.
Name one way to practice allyship in the workplace.
Amplify marginalized voices in meetings and discussions.
How can intersectionality be applied in advocacy work?
By ensuring policies consider the divers impacts on marginalized groups.
How can positionality unintentionally reinforce oppression?
By failing to acknowledge how personal privilege affects professional actions.
How can social workers promote anti-racism within organizations?
By creating inclusive policies and challenging discriminatory practices.
Name one way systemic racism impacts health outcomes.
Higher rates of chronic illness and reduced access to healthcare for marginalized communities.
What does it mean to agitate within a system?
To challenge and disrupt harmful practices and policies.