Name 5 reciprocal reflexive verbs
Open ended(ex:abrazarse, besarse, ayudarse, hablarse, encontrarse)
Traducir No hables
Don't speak
The blog
El blog
What is the difference between reciprocal reflexive verbs and regular reflexive verbs?
Action reflected onto "each other" for reciprocal and "themselves" for regular reflexive
Affirmative tú command for hablar
"What is the negative tú command for the verb ‘comer’?"
No comas
the Spanish word for “@“
la arroba
Traducir: They found each other in the park yesterday, but they didn't greet each other.
Ellos se encontraron en el parque ayer, pero no se saludaron.
Theres a verb with the affirmative tú command "haz" - whats the preterite ella form?
What is the negative tú command for "ir"?
"no vayas"
The tire
La llanta
Traducir "nos besamos" en ingles🤤
We kiss
Put this sentence into Spanish "Eat the pizza! "
¡Come la pizza!
What is the "formula" for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs?
Start with the yo form of the verb. Drop the -o and add -es for -ar verbs and -as for -er/-ir verbs.
Steering wheel
El volante
Translate: When they looked at each other, they greeted each other and said hello!
Cuando se miraron, ellos se saludaron y dicieron "¡hola!".
What is the affirmative tú command for the verb ‘decir’ and provide a sentence using it?
Di; e.g., ‘Di la verdad.’
What are the verbs with irregular negative tú commands?
dar, estar, ir, saber, ser
The trunk
El baúl