Controls the release of hazardous energy
Lock out
Communicate your intention to the employees nearby
Identify energy sources
identify control points for energy sources
secure energy sources in safe mode
atempt to start equipment
what are the steps in a Lock out procedure
area by extruders marked by projected red lines on the floor
What is the Burn zone
space not meant for human occupancy and difficult to get in and out of
What is a confined space
valve that automatically opens and closes
What is an actuated valve
electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic,Kinetic
types of energy
cleaning equipment
performing maintenance or repairs on equipment
exposing moving parts of equipment
placing any part of my body in the operating path of any equipment
What is hen I have to Lock out equipment
44degrees C
what is temperature at which skin gets damaged
confined space with a hazardous atmosphere
What is a permit required confined space
what is any time you are performing work on equipment such as cleaning, preventative maintenance or exposing any moving parts
Must perform Lock out
circuit breaker , ball valve, electrical disconnect
what are energy isolating devices
forearm length blu gloves,face sheild, heat resistant gloves
what is burnzone PPE
all employees are authorized to enter permit required and non permit required confined spaces
What is NO
safety rules designed because somewhere, someone died performing this task
what is a cardinal rule
sharing my lockout lock key with the next shift
what is a lockout violation
molt ant plastic, hot surfaces
what are burn zone hazards
work that generates sparks or used an open flame
What is Hot work
120 and 1500
what is the number of fatalities and injuries because people did not follow LOTO