What are bacteria?
The most common biological cause of foodborne illness.
What is considered to be the biggest cause of food contamination?
What are the three main types of food hazards?
biological, chemical, physical
What is one way to prevent cross-contamination?
Using separate boards, cleaning untensils in between uses, wearing clean clothes and aprons, etc
What is the minimal temperature food should be held at to prevent bacterial growth?
What is a common source of salmonella?
How might someone contract Listeria?
From soil or infected animals
Give an example of a biological hazard?
Bacteria, viruses
Why is it important to wash hands thoroughly before handling food?
To prevent pathogens transferring from hands to food.
Why is it important to cover food during storage?
To prevent contamination from other food and surfaces.
How often do bacteria multiply?
roughly every 20 mins
Food handlers touching their nose, skin or wounds?
What is a chemical hazard and example?
hairspray, pesticide, anything chemical that could contaminate food
What should be done to chemicals used for cleaning to prevent food contamination?
Storing them away from food and following manufacturer's instructions.
What is an essential practice for cleaning food preparation areas?
What is a contamination hazard related to equipment?
Poorly cleaned and sanitised untensils.
What is a physical contaminate and an example.
hair, glass, plastic, etc
Why do we store raw meats in the bottom of the fridge?
To stop any juices dripping into other food in the fridge. It is also cooler in the bottom of the fridge.
How can food businesses ensure safe delivery of food?
Does dehydration (drying food) kill bacteria?
No, bacteria will start to grow once ideal conditions resume.
How might you contract Campylobacter?
What happens with improper rubbish management?
Describe an effective way to manage rubbish in food businesses.
Regularly removing rubbish and keeping bins clean.
What should be included in a Food Control Plan?
Procedures for managing food safety, risks and contamination incidents.