What is God's name?
Yahweh (I AM WHO I AM)
Why was Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob’s family so broken?
Isaac favored Esau. Rebekah favored Jacob. Rebekah went against Isaac. Jacob stole from Esau. Esau wants to kill Jacob.
What does every story of the Bible ultimately do?
Point to Jesus and the gospel.
How do we see the gospel at the end of Genesis 3?
Jesus is the offspring who will crush the serpent’s head. Also, the skin that clothed Adam and Eve was from an innocent animal sacrificed to cover the sin of mankind. Likewise, Jesus was an innocent sacrifice who covers the sin of mankind.
Your problems are big, but ____________.
Your God is bigger.
Who were the 2 spies that came back with a good report about the Promised Land?
Caleb and Joshua.
How did Aaron have good intentions in making the golden calf?
This is how they worshiped back in Egypt. A calf was a symbol of power.
What is the driving question of the Bible?
Who is the offspring that will crush the head of the serpent?
How do we see the gospel in the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac?
Jesus is the willing son who carried the wood on his back walking toward his death.
Because of our sin, we are totally depraved; because of Jesus, we are __________.
Totally saved.
Who went through undeserved suffering but still gave God praise?
What was the significance of the 10 plagues?
Each plague was an attack to Egyptian gods.
What is significant that God does at the covenant?
He alone walks through it.
How do we see the gospel in the Abrahamic covenant?
Jesus is God who alone upholds the fulfillment of the covenant. And even if the covenant was broken by mankind, Jesus bore the consequences of it.
The suffering you will experience from following God is nothing compared ____________________.
To the suffering you will experience from rejecting God.
Who were the Anak?
Canaanite giants.
What did each goat for the Day of Atonement do?
One was sacrificed to pay for atonement. One had the sins of the people laid on its head and set free.
What does the covenant promise?
Land, offspring, blessing.
How do we see the gospel in the life of Joseph?
Jesus was sold as a slave by his brothers. But his enslavement ultimately resulted in the salvation of his people.
The Israelites in the desert are either _________ or _________.
Wandering in the desert, following God in the desert.
Who was Jacob's uncle?
What was the initial sin at the Tower of Babel?
They settled and chose not to spread and multiply.
What is the Old Testament gospel?
I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
How do we see the gospel in the Ten Commandments passage?
Jesus is God, who saves his people out of slavery from sin. And He does all of this before ever asking his people to obey any commandments.
Jacob is an offspring who came grasping at the heel. Jesus is _________________________________.
The offspring who came to be bruised at the heel.