This SMBC staff member's favorite team boasts the colors orange and regalia (not to be mistaken for purple).
Who is... BJ Smith
The "mulch" on the playground is made from what.
What is... recycled rubber?
Favorite place to eat on Signal Mountain?
What is... Chinese - Fortune House
Members were able to move into our current church building in what year?
What is... 2003?
How much property does the church sit on?
What is... 21 acres
What staff members office is the "neatest" by far?
Who is... Karen Hudson?
On average how many babies (age 0-12 month) can be found at SMBC on a Sunday morning?
What is... 8
Favorite color
What is... Red
All the church rooms have numbers...what room number is the library?
What is... 102?
What is pictured on the stained-glass window in the sanctuary?
What is... 3 crosses?
"Normal" thing for Louis to do as he talks on the phone...
What is... walks around the church.
What is the most popular question asked by kids, no matter how serious your lesson?
What is... "Can I go to the bathroom?"
How many years has Ruby been working for SMBC?
What is... 19 years?
How many bathrooms (both women and men counted together) are in SMBC?
What is... 7
How many KIDS Sunday School rooms are there in the church?
What is... 4
Amy and Damon found out that they both like the same candy...but it was a real "dud".
What is... Milk Duds
What child interrupted Paul during a lesson to ask for a "throat lozenge" instead of a cough drop?
Who is... Autumn Graves?
Her favorite "girly" thing to do as a special treat.
What is... get a mani-pedi?
What animal's feet are still on the walls in the pre-k room (3-4year old room) but the body has long been missing?
What is... a sheep?
What is the color of the Youth Room downstairs?
What is... bright green
Which 2 staff members came from "Log Cabin" times?
Who is... Ruby and Gary
Who did this? Ruby once caught a child climbing on top of the bathroom stalls downstairs. When asked why...they said "to be closer to God.'
Who is... Jack Goggans?
In 2019, Ruby and her family went on vacation. While there, she got to go to her favorite TV show museum.
What is... Little House on the Prairie?
What year was the SMBC pavilion built?
What is... 2018
How many individual goldfish crackers do the children at SMBC go through in 1 year?
What is... 22,880