What is a hero's journey
follows a path which is represented by a circle in which the hero travels into the unknown and is faced with many trials only to come full circle, returning to the known world
God of Lightning
What is a myth
A myth is a traditional story that explains the world, often involving supernatural beings or events
What is the main prepose of a myth
To tell how the world and things in it came to be
A snake haired women
How many steps are there in the hero's Journey
12 Steps
God of love
A 3 headed dog
Who is a typical "hero" figure in a myth?
Heroes are sometimes portrayed as superhuman protagonists while at other times as average people who rise above the ordinary. Included are both mythological heroes, among them Herakles, Achilles, Odysseus and Helen
Man Eating Monster
What is most commonly used for a hero's journey
A 3 step narrative
God of Earth
A monster that was part lion, part goat, and part snake
What is the difference between a legend and a myth?
A legend is a story typically based on a real person or event from history, while a myth is a story that explains natural phenomena or cultural beliefs.
King of the under world
Name 4 hero's journey steps
"Ordinary World", "Call to Adventure", "Refusal of the Call", "Meeting the Mentor", "Crossing the Threshold", "Tests, Allies, and Enemies", "Approach to the Inmost Cave", "Ordeal", "The Reward", "The Road Back", "Resurrection", and "Return with the Elixir".
God of animals
A monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man
How do myths often reflect the values and beliefs of a culture?
acting as narrative representations of a society's moral principles, societal norms, and collective aspirations
The last Child of Gaia
Name a famous story that clearly follows the Hero's Journey structure?
"Star Wars," "The Lion King," "The Matrix," "The Lord of the Rings," "Harry Potter," "Moana," "Finding Nemo," "Mulan," "The Odyssey," and "Beowulf,"
God of sun
A bird that can be reborn from its ashes, symbolizing renewal and immortality
Why are myths often passed down through oral tradition?
because in pre-literate societies, where writing was not widely accessible, storytelling was the primary method of preserving and transmitting cultural knowledge,
A 3 Headed dog