Don't let the cat out of the bag.
Don't tell the secret.
A person, place, or thing.
Your head
Define Porous: adj.
Rocks having holes that water and air can pass through.
What is the longest word in the dictionary?
(Hint: it begins with "super")
I'm on top of the world!
I feel good!
Takes the place of nouns.
A funny bone
A rock formed by solidified molten rock
ex: Obsidian, granite, pumice, basalt
Name the four (4) layers of the Earth.
Inner core, Outer core, Mantle, and Crust
It's raining cats and dogs.
It's raining very hard.
Shows action or state of being.
To do something
Dracula's sister and brother
Scapula, Fibula
A rock formed by heat, pressure, and chemical action
ex: Marble, slate, gneiss
What is the largest spider ever discovered?
The Goliath Spider
He's a couch potato.
He watches too much tv.
He's lazy.
Words that describe nouns or verbs
Collar bone
Describe what you can find in a sedimentary rock
insects, seashells, leaves, feathers, bones
ex: limestone, sandstone, shale
Name the two countries The Revolutionary War was between.
America and Great Britain
Don't open the can of worms.
Don't start trouble.
Begin phrases that show a relationship.
Name the three bones in your hands.
Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phalanges
Which ones are renewable? Which ones are nonrenewable?
Coal, oil/gas, soilAir, water, plants, trees
Air, water, plants, trees = renewable
Coal, oil/gas, soil = nonrenewable
What were the names of South and North America during the Civil War.
North = Union
South = Confederate