Ma õpin iga päev matemaatikat.
I study maths every day.
Nad sõid eile õunu.
They ate apples yesterday.
Kas sa saad mind aidata?
Can you help me?
Pildi peal on kaks tibu.
There are two chicks in the picture.
Me elame kooli vastas.
We live opposite the school.
Me õpime praegult ajalugu.
We are studying history now.
Ma ei joonud eile piima.
I did not drink milk yesterday.
Ma ei näe neid.
I can`t see them.
Kalkunid on õuel.
There are turkeys in the yard.
Park asub kiriku taga.
There is a park behind the church.
Mida te praegult loete?
What are you reading now?
Kus te eile käisite?
Where did you go yesterday?
Dan, too meile palun vett.
Dan, bring us water, please.
Kas talus on lehmi?
Are there any cows on the farm?
Jalgratas on värava ees.
The bike is in front of the gate.
Ema läheb iga päev ujuma.
Mother goes swimming every day.
Kas nad vaatasid eile telerit?
Did they watch TV yesterday?
Ma lähen kooli Peetri ja tema vennaga.
I go to school with Peter and his brother.
Kolm parti on sea kõrval.
There are three ducks next to the pig.
Meie klass on söökla ja raamatukogu vahel.
Our classroom is between the canteen and the library.
Mindy ei räägi praegult nalja.
Mindy is not telling a joke now.
Sa ei olnud eile kodus.
You were not at home yesterday.
Maria ja tema õde elavad maal.
Maria and her sister live in the countryside.
Kas kanalas on mõni kana?
Are there any hens in the henhouse?
Mine postkontorist mööda ja pööra paremale.
Go past the post office and turn right.